Chapter 7: Nice People don't Always get Nice Things

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Whittaker stood outside the hospital room, talking to Kevin now. "Thank you for all your help. Now how much do I owe you?" She reached into her pocket to fish out whatever money was left there.

Kevin shook his head, quickly replying, "No, there's no need for payment. Consider it compensation for how badly the other doctors here treated you two if you must, but I won't accept any payment. I have enough money as is."

Whittaker's eyebrow rose as she studied Kevin, confused. Not many people refuse money. Then again, he had enough money to own and run a whole hospital, so she supposed it made sense. Maybe he was just a nice, honest guy who was a genius and graduated from college, getting his doctrine-... Whittaker stopped her theory there, nothing about Kevin made sense to her, but it didn't matter. The young doctor had made her little brother, Cole, better and diagnosed what was wrong. That's all that mattered. Cole was better and Whittaker now knew how to prevent or stop it for future reference.

"Well.. If you're certain." Whittaker stated and removed her hand from her pocket.

"Oh!" Kevin suddenly began to talk again, "I almost forgot!" He paused and pulled out a bottle of what appeared to be a medicine bottle full of a murky liquid. "I got this for your brother, it should help him if his allergies ever act up again." He placed the bottle in Whittaker's hand before quickly adding, "It's an herbal mixture so I don't believe he will have any reactions too it."

Whittaker's eyes widened a bit in surprise. "Thank you then... I'm allowed to take Cole home now, right?" She slipped the bottle into her jacket pocket.

Kevin nodded and opened the door to where Cole lay sleeping. After a good ten minutes with the oxygen mask, Kevin had taken it off and watched Cole closely for another ten minutes, making sure his allergies didn't act up again. Somewhere in that span of time her little brother had drifted off to sleep and out of respect, Kevin and Whittaker had remained quiet. During this time Whittaker only glimpsed Katey and her wolf friend, Buddy, once as the strange girl paused and pulled Kevin out of the room to talk. Whittaker wasn't sure what they had said, but it was a short conversation and Katey nor Buddy reentered with Kevin once the exchange of words ended. After a while it was apparent that Cole was fine and could breathe normally, he had pulled Whittaker out of the room to talk to her.

Cole still remained asleep on his bed, appearing peaceful. It had been a while since he had had a peaceful sleep since the accident, as Cole and Whittaker had come to call it. Watching him almost made Whittaker want to just carry Cole home while he slept, but she rather wake him up so he could say goodbye.

Whittaker walked over and gently placed a hand on Cole's shoulder, starting to shake him awake. "It's time to go home now Cole, you're all better."

His eyes blinked open and he started to rub his fists into his eyes as he woke from his nap. "Already?..." He quietly asked.

Whittaker nodded and took Cole's hand, helping her little brother sit up. "That's right. Kevin here was a good doctor, wasn't he?"

Cole smiled a bit and nodded while
sliding off the hospital bed and holding onto Whittaker's hand. "He was very nice." He looked over to Kevin and waved. "Thanks for being nice! I gotta go with my sissy now, so bye!"

Kevin smiled and nodded, replying happily, "Cya later little astronaut!"

Whittaker laughed slightly and waved to Kevin before leading Cole out of the hospital. They kept ahold of each other's hands and continued towards their apartment. All was quiet and pleasant for a while. The sun had begun to set now and it painted their surroundings in a dusky orange glow, the wisps of clouds that remained in the air aquired some shade of red, orange, pink, or a combination of the three. Most people were home and few cars roamed the small town's streets.

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