Unhappy Mother's Day

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I don't know why I continue to wait for days like these. I always end up getting depressed and hurt and just want the day to be over.

My husband refuses to recognize Mothers Day for me because I am not his mother. Never mind the hours of pain I went through to have his kids, it doesn't mean a thing to him. My kids, who are all 14 and under, ask him to take them to the store so they can get me something but no, he won't. It is not gifts that I want but I want him to help the kids try to make this day special for me. For Father's Day, I get him presents from the kids and bake a cake, we try to make it special. The same thing happens for my birthday. His excuse is "I know if you want something, you'll just go get it." He doesn't understand that it's just not the same.

This year though is even worse because he is giving me the silent treatment because this morning I asked him not to start arguments with the kids, on purpose. I heard yelling first thing this morning while making breakfast. He got mad because I didn't fry his eggs, which I don't do on a normal basis because I don't do it right. He likes it scorched and I can't scorch eggs. I made everything else that goes with it.

I am making my own dinner but he did jump up to BBQ the meat I was going to put in the oven, but he still hasn't talked to me. I am beginning to learn what a big baby my husband is. I can't wait til this day is over. 

Father's Day is going to go the same way believe you me.

I can feel a  crying jag coming on. I don't want to show him how much he has hurt me. Everything is starting to be about him and his family, like he wants nothing to do with my family any more. Any excuse not to be anywhere where my family is.

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