Chapter 5

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''Pass me your schedule for a sec.'' Pearl asked me. I didn't really know what I had next, NOTE TO SELF: Need to memorize my timetable.

''Yes! We have most classes together!'' she exclaimed. I feel like we are going to be good friends.

"Pearlie!" I heard a voice call out.
"Ugh, that's Lewis." She said slightly annoyed, she started hitting him and started laughing, eventually he started laughing.

''Dang! What is you're problem?" He asked sounding concerned.

''Taylor! That's my problem!''

''I'm here now, I got you.''

Awhh that is so cute I thought to myself before I got interrupted by a group of guys, that I've seen Tyrell hang out with. It looked as though they were coming my way, but then again why would a group of highly attractive boys come my way.

And BOY! Was I wrong!

''You're Alyssa right?'' One of the Guys said, I nodded I was scared I would embarrass myself.

'' My name is Alexander. These are, Kayden, TeeJay and Davontae.''

''Nice to meet you.'' I managed to say I was so nervous, like why talk to me?!

''We respect you for standing up to Tyrell, no one, and I mean no one would ever dare to do something like that. But anyways that's all I came here to say'' They all  gave me a fist bump as a sign of respect, all 4 of them.

''Alex, what the F*ck are you guys doing here! We were suppose to be outside right now hitting a blunt!'' Tyrell came from nowhere. When he said that Lewis Pearl And I were the only ones that  jumped, I guess everyone else is used to his shouting?!  He came closer to me, our noses were like 4 centimeters apart. I couldn't f*cking breath properly.

You could smell Gucci body spray on him and it smelt so F*cking gorgeous. And his eyes OMG I never noticed that they were a light shade of gray compared to his chocolate skin. WOW he really seems like a bad boy.

''Leave me and my friends the F*ck alone! They have better things to do than talk to you! Lets go guys!'' I could feel tears forming in my eyes, people started gathering around us. They went back to do their own thing since they knew I wouldn't say anything back to Tyrell.

But they thought wrong!

''If you're waiting for me to care, I hope you brought something to eat,cause it's gonna be a really long time''

''I bet you were up all night trying to come up with that one.'' Tyrell said while smirking. I simply rolled my eyes.

''Hey man! she's with us.'' Lewis said while giving Tyrell a bro shake. WOW This n*igga was here the whole time and could'nt use his initiative to say that earlier?

''Are you coming with us, were ditching 2nd and going outside to smoke a Blunt.'' Tyrell shouted from across the corridor. Why would he shout this out loud?! If this was England and teachers heard, his ass would've gotten arrested already.

''Yes I'll meet you outside bro.'' Lewis said. He looked at Pearl and she tried her best not to look at him. I am guessing that she does not like the idea of him smoking with the Guys.

Maybe they're together?
I'm not going to ask its non of my business.

''Go to class you two I'll meet you at lunch don't wait for me, see ya!'' he said to Pearl while giving her hug from the back and me a fist bump.

**IN 2nd PERIOD**
"Ugh, I hate science!" Pearl whispered so that the teacher couldn't hear.
I saw Taylor Andrews and her little gang walked in the classroom, she came in with Tyrell who also had his gang with him.
I already hate her guts, she reminds me of Chanel from my old school, she tried to impress Aiden her ex boyfriend and the most popular boy in my old school.

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