Chapter 4

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*Inhale* *Exhale* I can do this it's not that hard right?..... wrong.
And I thought that this pep talk with myself would actually work, I guess I'm nervous, who knows how many people are going to hate me in that class!
You are beautiful Alyssa, and you can do this! No one is going to judge you you are pretty and you look stunning!
Why, thank you.
I just realized that I was having a conversation with myself. I am so stupid what am I doing this crap ain't gonna work on me.

I forcefully opened the door.

Oops... all eyes on me. Well at least I look stunning. My eyebrows are on fleek, my eyeliner looks nice and winged.
My contour is on point, but that's not the point.

The entire class was looking at me, including Tyrell.
Wait a minute... Tyrell!! OH NO!! My goal for this lesson is to try not to make a fool of myself.

''Ohh... your that girl that confronted Tyrell!'''A voice yelled. Well, there goes my goal for this lesson. Everyone is staring at me like I'm some kind of freak.

"Miss Smith ain't it?" The teacher asked me.
"Uh, Yes it is."
"Well miss smith why don't you introduce yourself?"
"Erm... Well my name is Alyssa ,I'm 17.
I just moved here, from Sheffield,  which is a city in England.
I have a older brother Jack who is sat right there."I pointed to jack I wonder how he found it easy to find the classroom.
"And that's pretty much it!"

"Interesting! Why don't you find yourself a place to sit."She said kindly. 

There was an empty seat next to Tyrell, I was kinda tempted to sit there but I don't want to be like those girls who run after guys.
Plus, we had an argument about 10 minutes ago and I don't think that sitting next to him will be a good idea.

So I decided to sit next to a girl, since she signaled for me to sit next to her.
"Hey! How are you likening this school so far?" She seems very friendly.

''Its okay, I guess it could've been better.'' I replied in full honesty.

'' Are you scared?'' she asked me sounding serious than before.

''Why would I be scared?'' I asked with a nervous giggle not sure why she asked me that question.

''Well, no one messes with Tyrell . He is dangerous no one besides his best friends know the real him. And that girl right there'' She pointed at this girl with blonde hair which is a ugly weave btw, that went all the way down to her waist, her whole face was full of makeup. She kind of looks like a lightskinned version of a Barbie doll. Not gonna lie she is pretty. she was wearing her black Cavin Klein sport bra and pair of white high waisted jeans - which i'm pretty sure aren't appropriate for school.

'- That girl right there is Taylor Andrews. She is one of the Queen- B's of our school, and claims to be Tyrells Girlfriend but Tyrell doesn't like her one bit.'' This kind of reminds me of Chanel, the Queen - B of my old school in England.

''What are you two looking at?!'' Taylor suddenly shouted out loud.

''Something ugly!'' The friendly girl that I sat next to said.

''Ohh I'm sorry, I didn't know you have eye damage? I'm not a mirror, maybe you should get you're eyes checked,Pearl!'' she yelled at the girl next to me that is apparently called Pearl... which is a nice name by the way:).

''Oh, shut up!'' Pearl said embarrassed,making the whole class burst into laughter, even our teacher started chuckling but then the bell went.

I feel like this is going to be a long day.


This was just a filler chaper to prepare you for what is going to happen soon with Alyssa.

Will Tyrell and Alyssa fight again?

Will Taylor start liking Alyssa?

Will she become friends with Pearl?

Will she find other friends?

all of those questions will be answered in the next chapter enjoy!

thank you for reading my book i promise this book will be more interesting and i will try to update this book every week.

- Naya

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