Wrong Number [19]

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Dennis: So I have a question

You: Oh dear god here we go.

Dennis: First of all, screw you

Dennis: Second of all, let's say, rhetorically speaking of course, I were to find a baby pig

You: of course, bc it's so easy to find a baby big

Dennis: shut up and listen

Dennis: so this baby pig. let's say, again rhetorically, I were to have it roll in mud and then send it into a fraternity house

You: right. again. rhetorically. continue.

Dennis: and the fraternity brothers are reeeeally pissed off

You: understandably so

Dennis: what would you do?

You: well, in this rhetoric situation, do they know you did it and are after you?

Dennis: Yes.

You: Run, son.

Dennis: brb

You: 🐽 😵

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