Chapter 4

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We pack enough food, water, fuel, and blankets for two nights, just in case something happens. Rick gives us enough ammunition for a week. I tell him I really don’t need that much, I plan on using my knife, but he insists. Every time he’s nice to me I want to throw up in my mouth because I don’t deserve his kindness. Or anyone’s kindness for that matter.

Hanna is the only one who hugs me before I leave. “Remember to always looks behind you,” she warns.

I stiffen at her touch and tell her I’ll be safe.

While Glenn drives, I’m in charge of the map. Which sucks. I don’t have the slightest idea how to read a map. All of the closest towns have been emptied so the one we’re heading to is two hours away. We stick to the highway mostly, a couple side streets here and there when the highway becomes blocked. As I stare out the window I see a few walkers pass by.

“So who were you with before you joined us?” Glenn asks, breaking the silence.

I really do not enjoy answering this question.

“Jayson and Sara. They were a young married couple,” I answer, hoping that’s enough for him.

“Your journal said you ran into cannibals.” He slows the truck down as we weave between wrecked cars on the highway.

“Yeah, we did. They all wore these yellow bandanas. Like a gang. It was weird,” I say.

“Wow, uh, that’s hard. I’m sorry,” he says, turning to look at me for a few seconds.

“Why is Natalie so against supply runs? I mean it’s kinda something you have to do now,” I change the topic.

“Her husband, Jack, died a few months ago on our last run. She doesn’t want anyone to go on them anymore,” he explains solemnly.

I don’t say anything. I now remember Hanna telling me about her dad. I should have remembered and put it together why Natalie didn’t want me or Glenn to go.

“We’re really good at finding happy things to talk about,” I finally say.

He starts to laugh. His laughter is contagious as it vibrates within the small truck cab and I begin to laugh too. The sound of my own laughter sounds foreign to me.

“Sometimes I wonder if there are even happy things left to talk about, you know?” he says.

“How did you meet Maggie?” I attempt, knowing I’ll get some type of reaction.

He immediately smiles.

“You’re good,” he teases. “She lived on the next farm over. When her dad died she came to Natalie’s farm, and then I guess you could say it was love at first sight.” He keeps smiling as he recalls the memory.

His smile is really sweet.

“In your journal it sounded like you really cared about that Jayson guy?” Glenn says. Just the sound of his name makes my heart rate quicken. Then it makes my stomach sink because he’s not here anymore.

“Yeah, I did.” I don’t really want to say any more about it.

“You said Sarah was his wife though, right?” he asks. He must have read my entire journal to figure out the affair Jayson and I had.

“I never said it was right,” I say. “I’m not trying to be rude, but can we not talk about him?”

As we continue to drive, I continue to learn more about Glenn. His parents were immigrants and he was two when they came to Atlanta. In high school, he was not the stereotypical smart Asian everyone assumes him to have been and he didn’t meet his parent’s high expectations.

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