Never Satisfied

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That morning, Alfred surprisingly woke up without the help and pleading of his little brother, getting up as quickly as it was possible and soon running off to the kitchen. Their father was luckily still asleep, and the boys had just enough time for some tea and hot chocolate - which Matthew had already prepared for them both - before they had to storm off to catch the bus to school.

"I'm amazed you managed to wake up on time for once", Matthew teased, sipping a bit of his tea and placing the cup back on the dining table as he put the last few books in his backpack.

"Good morning to you too." Alfred just threw a sharp glare and took a sip of his drink without even bothering to reply to the brother's words.

What Matthew didn't know was that his older brother actually managed to fall asleep easily last night, but that was just because of the pain he caused himself on purpose when nobody was present and around. It helped, at least momentary, and once he did it, he wasn't able to suddenly stop. Even if he felt guilty with each new scar that appeared underneath the thick sleeves of his hoodie in just two days, he didn't easily quit. It was a new and strange experience that subsided the pain of his father's words and actions.

"How'd you sleep?" The younger asked while he zipped up the school bag and finished the mild and lukewarm tea from the cup.

"Fine", Alfred responded in a single word, not having the energy to respond with a sentence longer than that. He gulped down the hot chocolate and laid the mug back on the table, disappearing towards the hallway to put on his shoes, throw on a jacket and get fully ready to go out. This November morning was cold, windy and rainy, the perfect weather to stay home. But no, they just had to have school today.

When both of them got ready, they immediately ran out of the house and were immediately exposed by the harsh and awfully cold wind. Instinctively, Alfred took Matthew by the hand on the spot in a way of protecting him, holding the younger boy close. "Today's rough, isn't it?" He muttered under his breath, coughing just slightly from the sudden effect of the crispy, late autumn air.

"Does the bus even drive today? Maybe the traffic isn't even open because of the weather!" Matthew asked with a tiny bit of concern - the last thing he needed was to go to school by foot in a goddamn storm. Rain was pouring over them, bucketing down, and they were soaked just by stepping outside for five minutes.

"It has to, not everyone has a ride to school", Alfred hoped that it was true, since he frankly wasn't in the mood to deal with heavy rain and certainly didn't want to catch a cold. "Although I'm not so sure."

Luckily for not only them, but more children who didn't have anyone to drive them to school except of a small school bus, their beloved public transport had arrived at the station and a whole bunch of students got on, including not only the two American brothers, but also Arthur and Elizabeta.

"The weather is straight up terrible today", Arthur was the one to start a conversation, getting hums and nods of agreement from not only his friends, but a couple of other people on the bus. "I'm all drenched from the fifteen minutes I walked."

"Well, this is England after all, what do you expect?" Alfred joined in, still a little bit cranky as it was too early and he was too moody for a normal, casual chat.

"I don't need an American pretending to be an expert on London, thank you very much", Arthur gave the other a sharp and quick glare, but a smile broke out on his face soon enough nonetheless.

Elizabeta didn't talk much, but rather shut herself out and gently tapped her foot on the ground in the rhythm of the music which could be heard from her earphones - she must have turned it up really loud without even realizing. Knowing she had an oral English exam today, all she did was silently revise the information in her head, letting no one and nothing be a distraction to her. Matthew, on the other side, didn't engage in the conversation whatsoever, spacing out and thinking about a completely different thing.

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