(1) Roadside Moments

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“Why has the car stopped?”

I stared down at the gas gage, as Liam’s words rang through the car. This was not a time to panic. I couldn’t lose my cool here or Liam—well let’s just say, he’s not exactly the most fun person to be around in a state of emergency.

“Louis, why are we stopped?”

I continued to ignore him, simply deciding that if I didn’t speak up then maybe this wasn’t actually reality. I mean, Liam wouldn’t guess what the problem was if I didn’t tell him, he didn’t know anything about cars. I could probably tell him that the defibrulator fell off and he’d believe me. I mean, I knew that if Liam told me something about a defibrulator, or some shit like that I’d zone out for the next hour. I mean, a defibrulator just sounds like a boring word, and then add Liam and his explanations to the list and I’d be gone to the world. It wasn’t that I didn’t appreciate Liam and his need to explain everything, it was just that I didn’t see the need to pay attention to something if Liam already knew the answer. That would just be pointless wouldn’t it? I mean as long as one of us knew how something worked then we were all set, together we knew everything.

Or well, I liked to think we did, but of course as usual Liam would say I was wrong, take this exact moment for example. We’d run out of gas because I’d given the job over to Liam and he’d failed to succeed. It was times like these that I knew we would be shit in a crisis situation because we were shit in situations that weren’t even close to a crisis, so that certainly didn’t bode well for our future. Oddly enough I was quite alright with that. As long as I had Liam I was pretty alright with anything, even being stranded in the middle of the road with no gas while rain poured down outside our window. Liam made even the worst situations seem like a vacation in the Bahamas, which, looking back on it now, maybe we should have gone there instead…

“Louis! Are you fucking kidding me right now?! How the hell did we run out of gas? You just filled it up like thirty minutes ago!” 

Oops, guess I was a bit too slow with my defibrulator story…

“Actually Liam, I thought you filled it up.” I pointed out reasonably, seeing as he was acting like a complete nutter. I mean come on Liam, where is your head? Everyone and their dog knows that you have to keep your head on straight in a moment of crisis, Christ.

“Why the hell would I fill up a tank when you were the one driving? You even got out of the damn car! Did you even once notice me leaving the vehicle, let alone standing at the gas pump?” Well alright then Mr. sassy, hold it one minute and I will gladly have a response for that.

“It wasn’t like I was staring at the damn car Li, I was trying to find something to eat. Your protein bars or whatever you call that shit, isn’t exactly what I would call sustenance. I mean it practically tastes, not to mention resembles, shit.” 

I was right too, I didn’t know what Liam liked about those health bars they were just plain nasty. It was like they were serving you garbage or God forbid, a concoction made from sewer remnants. I wouldn’t put it past those health nut people, they were all about organic so why wouldn’t they try and feed you shit? I mean, what could be more organic than something coming straight from the human body? It makes me sick just thinking about it.

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