Bring it Back

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Shawn and Charlotte bond had grown closer in the best way. It's almost as if their relationship was washed off and dried clean.
Shawn took less hours and more days off to give Charlotte rest days. Charlotte slowly left herself become happier as time progressed.
Charlotte learned not to take things for granted. She felt so close to Shawn and then suddenly he was pulled right out of her grasp.
But, Shawn could tell she was try not to repair the stitches that are still fragile.
"Shawn, we should take Amelia to the park today." Charlotte suggested. Shawn smiled at his beautiful girl. "That sounds fun baby, Amelia loves the park."
Amelia was now walking and she loves to explore as much as she can. Shawn and Charlotte are always finding her trying to get into small spaces. But as much as they scold her, she still wouldn't listen.
Charlotte wouldn't admit it but she thinks Amelia is a spitting image of Shawn. From her mixed eye color to her bubbly personality.
Charlotte wanted the best for Amelia and she was worried with Shawn getting paid less and her in school, they wouldn't be able to give her it.
Charlotte sighed to herself but Shawn caught it. "What's on your mind beautiful?" Shawn wrapped his arms around Charlotte's shoulders.
"Do you think this change was smart? I want the bed for her and right now you down graded from your salary as we spend thousands of dollars a year so I can get an actual job. I want to give her the best. Is this really the way how?"
"Charlotte Rae of course this is the best way. Right now she wants her parents by her wife and in a blink of an eye she'll want money to go to the mall with all her friends. By that time we will have great paying jobs so we won't have to tell her no. I know it might seem a bit rough right now but in the long run it will be worth it."
"Do you really think that?"
"I don't think it will, I know it will my love."
Charlotte felt a smile tug on the end of her lips. "Okay, you know what you're right. At the moment all our little girl wants is us, and all we want is her."
"Charlotte Rae, that's not all I want, you know." Shawn informed her. "Oh really? And what else do you want, a unicorn?"
Shawn chuckled,"Funny joke Charlotte but no. I want you in my life forever." Shawn got down in one knee causing Charlotte's eyes to widen and a gasp to slip from her mouth when she saw the gorgeous diamond ring.
"Charlotte Rae Loft, will you marry me?"

IM SO MEAN WHAT A CLIFF HANGER AHAHAHA i'm sorry i love you all i promise i'm not purposely being mean but one more chapter guys you're not ready i can promise you that

ily guys

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