I Don't Even Know Your Name

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"Let's make this date the best last day we have here." Shawn smiled widely. Charlotte blushed,"Well what do you have in mind?"
"A party."
"A party?"
"C'mon Charlotte, it will be fun! We already know everything about each other. You can meet all my new friends. It will be fun babe." Shawn plead.
Charlotte sighed,"Fine." She smiled hiding a frown. She could tell Shawn's new friends changed him. Shawn never liked partying or alcohol.
"Tonight is going to be so fun, I promise you baby." Shawn smiled widely, squeezing Charlotte's hand softly. "Yeah, I'm excited." Charlotte lied right to Shawn's face, something she's never done before.
"Let's buy you a new outfit." Shawn suggested. "No Shawn really it's fine." Shawn shook his head,"I insist Charlotte Rae. Please, I would love to buy you an outfit."
Charlotte looked into Shawn mixed eye color of green and brown and couldn't bring herself to argue with him. "Fine, if you really want to. But just know I feel guilty." Shawn rolled his eyes,"Don't. It's my job to spoil you." Shawn pulled Charlotte into a random women's clothing store in the strip mall they were currently walking through.
After about an hour and a half Charlotte found the perfect outfit. "Do you like it?" Charlotte walked out of the dressing room. She was wearing wine red skinny jeans, beige boots, a Nirvana shirt, and a leather jacket. "That's perfect! Everyone is going to love you. Not as much as me of course" Charlotte blushed when Shawn kissed her nose.
"Okay I'll get changed and we can pay and go back to yours." Charlotte stated. "Sounds like a plan." Shawn responded to his best friend.
Charlotte walked back into the dressing room, locking the door before sitting down on the bench. She sighed, this definitely isn't what she imagined their first date would be.
She's happy that Shawn looks at her the same way she looks at him but he feels like she isn't looking at the same Shawn she was looking at a year ago.
Charlotte walks back to Shawn and he smiled widely at her. "Are you all set?" Charlotte shoots Shawn a fake smile and nods. "As ready as I'll ever be."
Charlotte and Shawn go home and watch tv in each other's arms. "You're stuffing your face with popcorn and you're still the most beautiful girl I've laid my eyes on." Charlotte felt herself smile and turn a deep shade of red. "Why are you do sweet?' She pecked his lips not being able to help herself. "Why are you so beautiful?" Charlotte whined, turning a deeper shade of red.
"If you want enough time to shower and apply the makeup that you don't need, I would get ready." Shawn informed Charlotte.
She looked at her phone before nodding and getting off of Shawn to start getting ready.
Charlotte got to the shower and stripped of her clothes. Once she got into the shower she let out a long, quiet sigh. At this point she couldn't even tell if she was faking it.
She can tell the old Shawn is in there somewhere and if she looks long enough she could find him but not for long. She doesn't like this Shawn. Not at all.
Charlotte finally finishes getting ready and when she goes back to the living room Shawn is already on the couch ready to go. "Let's hit it, we gotta help set up."
It takes about twenty minutes to get to the house and Shawn opens the front door for Charlotte, letting her walk in first.
When Shawn walked him the guys cheered a bit walking up to Shawn giving him hand shakes. "And who's this pretty little thing?" One of the guys bit lip, his eyes wandering Charlotte's body. "Hey, eyes to yourself Johnson. This is my girlfriend Charlotte."
"Man Mendes you were always telling us she was a beaut but I didn't think she was this hot." Charlotte felt herself getting uncomfortable and Shawn can see it in her body language.
"Let's get a drink baby." Shawn wrapped his arms around Charlotte's waist, directing her away from everyone. It was now semi-crowded in the kitchen as guests steered to come as it got later and later.
     "Hey Shawn!" A couple of girls called out, a look in their eyes Charlotte didn't like. "Hey girls, how have you been?" Shawn asked politely. "Even better now that you're here." They continued to flirt as Shawn stood there, obliviously. Charlotte rolled her eyes. "What? Do you have a problem?" One of the girls snapped at Charlotte.
     Charlotte raised an eyebrow and she felt her anger grow quickly. "Yes, I do actually. Thanks for asking. I would greatly appreciate it if you stopped flirting with my boyfriend right in front of my face."
     The random girl fakes frowned. "Oh, then why don't you go over there do Shawn can talk to real women." Charlotte crossed her arms,"Oh and Shawn hanging out with a bunch of sluts makes him surround by 'women'? Wow that's sad." Charlotte copied the fake frown.
     "Listen up you bitch-" "Let's go get a drink baby!" Shawn quickly pulled Charlotte away from the group. "What was that?" Shawn exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. "That was a bunch of sluts flirting with you right in front of me." Charlotte informed Shawn honestly.
     "Jessica and her friends are nice people. You just have to give them a chance." Shawn tried to get Charlotte to understand. "Well today isn't the day." Charlotte mumbled. "Charlotte don't be this way." Shawn frowned.
     "What way Shawn?" Charlotte rose an eyebrow and crossed her arms waiting for an answer. Shawn hesitated trying to find the proper way to word it without getting Charlotte upset.
     "Now, I don't mean this in a bad way at all. But, you get a bit bitchy when you're jealous." Shawn stated bluntly.
     Charlotte's mouth dropped. "Take me home." Charlotte felt her anger rising once more. "Charlotte." Charlotte shook her head. "I don't want to hear what you have to say. What I want is for you to take me home. I swear to god if you do anything else I will walk home. I do not care how late it is."
     Shawn silently sighed and nodded. "Fine." Shawn knew he messed up big time. It was almost as bad as the time Shawn told Charlotte he didn't love her. Shawn said goodbye to everyone as he avoided their questions as to why he was leaving so early.
     The two finally made it to the car and drive back to Shawn's in silence. Once they pulled up to the house. Shawn attempted to talk Charlotte. "I'm sorry Charlotte, I didn't mean it like that."
     Charlotte rolled her eyes and turned to Shawn. "You changed Shawn, these people changed you. I don't like it. You're not the Shawn I know. You're not the Shawn I fell in love with." Charlotte said calmly before getting out of the car. Shawn felt his heart break at those words. As Charlotte's heart once broke at words.

IM SORRY I WAS BUSY YESTERDAY BUt wow this is a long chapter yay! this is probably one of the longest chapters in the whole story so here y'all go hope you're enjoying don't forget to vote and comment:)
much love
E xx

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