Kid In Love

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     "I cant believe you're graduating Charlotte Rae! It makes me so happy!" Shawn hugged his best friend randomly as the two walked down the city they both grew up in.
     "God Shawn, you're more excited than I am,"Charlotte laughed. "It's just,"Shawn hesitated,"we are finally adults. We have a right to speak our minds without having to be put down because we are 'children'." Shawn used finger quotes around the word children.
     "If that's the case, then I'm considered an adult before you are." Charlotte teased Shawn. Shawn rolled his eyes,"Whatever." Charlotte smiled sending a weird feeling to the pit of Shawn's stomach.
     Shawn's smile faded wondering why he got a feeling in his stomach. It took him a minute to come up with a reason of the feeling because he hasn't felt it in such a long time. He likes Charlotte Rae Loft.
     "Shawny, is everything okay?" Charlotte asked when he didn't answer her question. Shawn quickly shook the thought away to focus on his best friend. "I'm sorry babe, what did you say?"
     "I said we should go on a little vacation once you graduate. Like a road trip or something. It would be so much fun,"Charlotte exclaimed in excitement at her amazing idea.
     The thought of the two gone for a while without their parents made Shawn nervous. What if he tried something and Charlotte turns out hating him. "Yeah! That would be a lot of fun!" Shawn's mouth spoke before he can stop it.
     "Okay! Once your graduation is over and done with we can start planning!" Charlotte was happy she and Shawn got to do something together. She would never say it but going to college without her best friend scared her.
     College is a whole new story. This is the place where you create yourself and your future. Even with Skype and iMessage it will be hard for the two to talk because the wanted to be concentrated on school. They both always kept high grades. This could be the end of the twos friendship for all Charlotte knows.
     "Awesome! I say we go to a water park." Shawn smiled widely, causing a smile to also appear on Charlotte's face. "Oh my god yes! I haven't been swimming in ages!"
     The two passed a Starbucks when Charlotte stopped. Shawn groaned, knowing why Charlotte stopped. "Let's go,"he walked towards the entrance. Charlotte smiled widely happy to get her coffee.
     Charlotte went up to order as Shawn stood off to the side, watching her every move. He started to realize why he liked her so much. Her blonde hair fell perfectly at her shoulders and her ocean blue eyes were almost like a map.
     Her sense of style was trendy but also a hint of trendsetter. Even they way she stuttered whenever she ordered anything. Shawn could watch her forever.
     Charlotte walked over to Shawn and smiled,"What are you looking at punk?" She teased Shawn. "An incredibly beautiful girl," Shawn answered honestly.
Charlotte felt her face and neck turn a wine red shade. "Awe Shawny, you're too nice." Charlotte played it off as if it was nothing when in reality, it sent the butterflies in her stomach crazy.
"Let's go into this coffee shop! I haven't seen Marge in forever!" Shawn grabbed Charlotte's hand pulling her into the shop without letting her voice her opinion.
"Marge!" Shawn called out, a huge smile forming on his face when he saw the little old lady standing behind the counter.
"Oh my! Shawn, it's been ages since you've stopped by! How have you been dear?" Marge ran out from behind the counter to greet Shawn. "Great! I get to see Charlotte Rae again so that's a plus." Marge smiled a sweet look in her eyes.
The day Shawn left Charlotte went to the café and spilled her heart out to Marge. Of course Marge already knew about all of it, as she has seen the two grow up attached to the hip.
"Well isn't that sweet? Oh, and Charlotte here's a little something for graduating." Marge winked at Charlotte. "Oh my gosh Marge, I can't accept this,"Charlotte tried to give Marge back the seal envelope. "Darling, I practically watched you grow up. It's my pleasure to get you a little something."
Charlotte sighed in defeat before hugging Marge. "Thank you Marge, I really appreciate, I do." Marge hugged her back tightly. "Where ever you go be safe and be sure to visit."
Marge leaned in a little closer and whispered in Charlotte's ear,"And Shawn is hopelessly in love with you, I can see it in his eyes."
Charlotte felt her cheeks heat up but stayed silent. "I'm sorry Shawn I didn't get you a card because I didn't know you'd be in town."
Shawn shook his head. "It's no big deal ma'am really." Marge smiled,"I'm proud of you Shawn. You've really grown into a gentleman." Shawn smiled widely,"That means a lot Marge really."
Charlotte and Shawn both notices Marge start to tear up. "Oh I'm really going to miss seeing you two everyday." Marge pulled the duo in for another hug.
"You two better go. You don't want to see me when I'm emotional." Marge lightly chuckled. "See you around." Shawn waved as Charlotte bid her goodbye.
"So-"Shawn cut Charlotte off. "I really need to get this off my chest. Charlotte seeing today made me realize how much I love you. I don't mean in a friendly way. I mean in a relationship way. I was always scared to admit it. Before I moved I always remember you telling me to take chances even if it's scary. That's exactly what you did, and I was to scared I was going to lose you that I lied saying I didn't feel the same way. That was the biggest lie I have ever told because I'm in love with you Charlotte Rae. I understand if your feeling have changed but mine haven't. I'm just a kid in love with his best friend." Shawn took a deep breath, his heart being hard as he waited for Charlotte's response.
"I love you too Shawn."
Shawn felt a smile curve on his lips and he knew nothing would be the same in the best way possible.

hi hi here's another chapter. i'm juggling a lot right now with finals but what do you think is going to happen comment and let me know!!

have a great day loves
E xx

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