Never Be Alone

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     Charlotte sat on her couch watching a rerun of a Friends episode when there was a knock on her front door.
     She groaned, throwing her head back, and she got up to get to the door. When she opened it she was surprised to see Shawn standing there.
     "C-can I come in?" Shawn asked, his voice drained. Charlotte instantly became worried. "Yeah, come in. What's wrong?"
Shawn sat down on the couch trying to figure out how to tell his best friend the news. The silence was killing Charlotte. She wanted to know what was wrong with Shawn.
"I-I don't really know how to sugar coat this Char. I'm moving."
Charlotte felt her face drain of color. She didn't believe what she just heard. "No, this has to be some type of sick joke." Shawn sighed a shaky sigh. "I wish it wasn't Char. I don't want to leave you. You're my best friend.
"Char, I-I don't know what to do. How will I get through the last year of high school without my partner in crime by my side,"Shawn started to tear up.
     "No, don't cry Shawn. I'll cry if you do. We will be fine, do you hear me? Distance doesn't mean anything. There's iMessage, Facetime, Snapchat. We will be okay." Charlotte tried to reassure Shawn, but more importantly herself.
"How do you know that Charlotte?" Shawn asked, clearly not convinced. "Because Shawn, it's like what you always told me. I always have a piece of your heart and you always have a piece of mine. We will always be there for each other. Nothing can come between us, even if we wanted it to, okay?"
Shawn was silent. He couldn't trust Charlotte's words at a time like this. He was scared and couldn't be reassured no matter how hard Charlotte tried to do so.
"I just have a bad feeling Charlotte Rae." When something was serious to Shawn he would always call Charlotte by her first two names. "Don't think about the bad. Think about the good. We can drive or fly out to see each other graduate. You can give me a tour of your new down. It's just an opportunity to give us bigger and better adventures."
A tear now skipped from Charlotte's eye as she thought about how she won't get to see her best friend every single day. The two even saw each other when one of them where sick m. They can't remember a day they haven't seen each other.
Charlotte doesn't know what to do. Her whole life is leaving her and there's nothing she can do about it.
"I know everything will be okay but promise me Shawn, that no matter what we do we will always be there for each other," Charlotte extended her pinky finger, a type of promise that means so much to her.
Shawn locked their pinkies,"You'll never be alone Charlotte Rae."

hi i hope you enjoyed chapter three if you did vote and comment ily all sm

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