The Weight

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Charlotte was on her way back to Shawn and her house when she got a call from he overly close friend Paul.
"Hey Paul? What's up?" Charlotte asked casually. "Uhm,"Paul said awkwardly. "What do you need me? I can just tell Shawn I had extra work at the salon or I got stuck by a train." Charlotte asked Paul if he needed to hook up.
"As great as that sounds right about now, that's not what I needed. I do need you to come over." His voice held nervousness that he didn't let slip.
"Uhm okay, I'll be over in a bit." Charlotte furrowed her eyebrows before hanging up the phone.
It was odd for Charlotte to go to Paul's house and not hook up.
The two hooking up had become a normal thing. Charlotte didn't feel guilty because Shawn has been gone almost all day everyday.
After about five minutes Charlotte pulled up to the brick house that she recognized so well. She walked right into Pauls house and found him in the kitchen.
"Hey Paul,"She set her purse down on the counter. "Hey Char. We got to talk." His eyes told her to sit down next to him. Charlotte obeyed, taking s seat in the vacant chair next to him.
"I need you to promise not to hate me. I swear it was an accident,"Paul refused to look Charlotte in the eye. "Paul what's wrong?" Charlotte asked cautiously.
"Shawn and I were having out today." That sentence made Charlotte's heart drop out of her chest and into her stomach. "Okay,"was all Charlotte could get out.
"He was asking me about relationships. Of course I don't have any. So, he asked me about hookups. We have been doing this for so long saying you as a hookup felt so natural." Paul confessed.
"Did you try to cover it up?!" Charlotte exclaimed.
"Of cause I did Char! He didn't buy it! I know how much you love him Charlotte. I'm so sorry Charlotte." Paul apologized.
"Fuck Paul!" Charlotte groaned. "Those words shouldn't be said when we aren't in bed. Charlotte please tell me you'll be okay."
"I don't know Paul. This is bad. Before we started hooking up I asked Shawn if he'd ever leave me because he got bored and now it's me. I'm in the position of the bad guy. I have to go talk to him,"Charlotte shot up, quickly leaving Paul's house hurting home to Shawn.
"Shawn!" Charlotte yelled out into their house. Silence. Charlotte groaned, dropping her purse running up to their room.
When she got up there her heart broke at the sight. Shawn was packing his bags.
"Shawn. Please,"Charlotte whispered. "Don't even talk to me." Shawn responded coldly.
"Don't do this." A year fell from her eye.
Charlotte knew she had no right to cry. She cheated on Shawn for months and didn't feel an ounce of guilt until he found out.
Shawn turned around, his eyes showing pain. "Why did you cheat? And with one of my friends Charlotte Rae. Why?" His voice had desperation for an answer.
"The first time I was drunk. After that it was like a drug. You were gone so much and I craved attention. It was stupid and wrong and I promise I will never do it again." Charlotte let more tears slip.
"Yeah you won't do it again because now you'll learn your lesson. I'm sorry Charlotte. But this is on you." Shawn closed his bag, pushing past Charlotte.
Charlotte didn't even attempt to chase after him. She knew it was useless. She hurt him more than he can bare. She fucked up big.
She knew she couldn't take the past two months back. Now she lost the one she loves most.

hi i hope you enjoyed this chapter:) if you did vote!! i think i'm going to start posting on Sundays too? what do you think? i also have a Louis kinda short story and then a Harry sequel to post. I wrote each book in one day so i really wanna post that too but i want to wait until this is completed so i guess we will see what happens!
ily all

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