Chapter Fifteen

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For a long moment, J.D. stood in his driveway unable to accept what had happened. He’d known it would happen one of these days, known he wouldn’t be able to run from the truth for the rest of his life. Like his initial meeting with Misty, it happened faster than he was ready for though, and he was still too shocked to know that he should get in his car and go after her. Finally, he turned and headed back in the house. When he did, Toby looked up at him with an almost accusing look on his face.

“I know I fucked up. I don’t need your attitude about it.”

As if in answer to J.D.’s anger, Toby turned his back and trotted into another room, leaving him alone once again.

“That’s just great,” J.D. called after him.

Dropping onto the couch, he wondered what to do next. Suddenly, he thought of Caitlyn. Maybe he could call Caitlyn, and she could talk to Misty. He didn’t have her number, but if Misty had ever called her it would be saved in the dialed calls listing.

Please be there, he thought as he grabbed the phone and scrolled through the listing. Relief filled him when he saw the number was in fact there.


“Caitlyn, its J.D.”  

“Is everything okay? Is Misty okay?”

“No, she’s not.”  

“What’s going on?”

“She’s gone to see Jason.”

“Why would she do that? What did you do to her?”

“Caitlyn, please, I need your help. Please go and talk to her. I’m afraid of her being alone right now.”

“Okay,” Caitlyn gave in as if sensing the desperation in his voice.

“Thank you,” J.D. said and hung up the phone.

As much as he wanted to talk to Misty himself, he knew it was better to send Caitlyn. He knew Misty would be more willing to open up to Caitlyn at a time like this.


Instinct pulled Misty to the cemetery and brought her to Jason’s grave. As a teenager, she’d spent countless hours there. Whenever she was happy or sad, she’d wanted to see Jason and tell him about it. She could still remember how hard it had been to leave for college and the guilt she felt for leaving him behind. It had been Jason that had brought her back to Rossmore.

As she hunkered down in front of his grave, her thoughts turned to James. She was still thinking about him when Caitlyn suddenly appeared over her.

“I thought I’d find you here.”  

            Misty looked up at her in surprise. “How did you know I’d be here?”

            “J.D. called me.”

            “That figures. I guess he’s not as connected to me as he thinks he is.”

            “Yes he is, Misty. He’s the one who told me where to find you.”

            “That doesn’t mean anything. Anyone who knows me knows I’d come here.”

            “Does he know you that well? Did you tell him about Jason?”

            “Only a little,” Misty admitted, her gaze drifting absently toward the horizon.

            “Do you feel like some company?” Caitlyn asked, though she dropped down beside Misty before getting an answer to the question.

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