Chapter Fourteen

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For Jason’s seventeenth birthday in July, Misty arranged a camping trip to the lake with all of their friends. Since they were getting older, and going with a group of friends, her parents agreed to let her go without a chaperone. It hadn’t been an easy sell though. Misty spent almost an hour convincing her parents it would be okay for them to go alone. Finally, they gave in. She didn’t know if they were just tired of hearing her beg or if they really believed it would be all right, but she didn’t care. The important thing was that she and Jason would have their trip.

“Thanks, Mom, thanks, Dad,” Misty said.

Leaping to kiss each of them on the cheek, she darted from the room before they could change their minds. She’d just reached the bottom of the stairs when her mother’s voice stopped her.

“I don’t know about this trip, Tom,” Angela said.

Misty froze as she waited for father’s response.

“Oh, I think it’ll be all right,” Tom assured her, though Misty still didn’t relax. “Jason will be there.”

“That’s exactly my point.”

“I’m not sure what you mean.”

“Jason will be there.”

“I’m sure he’ll take good care of Misty.”

While her father may not have understood what her mother meant, Misty did, especially when she heard her mother’s next words.

“Exactly my point. Jason will be there to take care of Misty. He’ll take care of helping her into his sleeping bag.”

“So, you’re worried they’ll have sex?”

“You’re not?”

“No, I’m not.”

“Are you really naïve enough to think they’re not going to have sex?”

“I didn’t say that. I just said I’m not worried about it.”

“What the hell does that mean? Because it sounds like you approve of them having sex.”

“I hate to tell you, Angie, but there’s a good possibility they’re already having sex,” Tom informed her, and Misty felt her face grow hot. “They’ve been going out for nearly a year now.”

“So, what? We’re just going to encourage them and say it’s okay because they’ve been dating for a year?” Angela demanded. “A year isn’t that long, despite what teenagers think.”

“I’m not encouraging anything,” Tom said. “In case you hadn’t noticed though, Jason has always taken good care of Misty. He respects her and our rules and treats her well, and he treats us well too. Am I happy my daughter’s growing up and having sex? No, but if she has to do it, then I’d much rather it be with a young man like Jason, a young man I trust and respect, than some string of no name guys that will break her heart. And I think if you’re honest with yourself, then you’ll be able to admit you want the same thing.”

Good for you, Dad! Misty thought, wishing she could hug her father at that very second.

“I guess you’re right, but that doesn’t mean I won’t worry.”

“Of course you’ll worry. You’re her mother. You should worry. Just do it carefully so that you don’t push her away.”

“I’ll try.”

Something told Misty her mother was going to have to try awfully hard, but that was okay. At least she was willing to try, and the camping trip was still on. 

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