CHAPTER 1 : Golden eyes

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hi guys this is my very first fiction hope you guys like it and one more tiny thing not good in english don't laugh at my words

Disclaimer: i dont own beyblade


It was a fine weather ,the warm breeze was blowing through my dark green hair.i was walking on street .It was 7:45 AM ,which means i have fifteen minutes left to go to school.

The birds were chirping , it was like a sweet song they were singing

I slightly smile to myself .Wish i was a bird so i would be free to fly away where i want to be .But those things only happen in fairytale .

And now here i am standing right infront of my school.I took a deep breath and start walking to my school.

I walk through school garden. Some people were chatting ,some were playing , making jokes and doing other staff.

I open the door to the hall which was full of people. I was trying not to bump into someone or else...

I stop right infront of my locker I took out my books and close it .As i closed my locker some one pushed me back to my locker .I look at the person who pushed me ,it was a girl who like to push everything in her way.seriously.

"Watch where you going nerd " she sternly said

"Sorry" i apologized.phew that was close

The bell rung and i start walking to my class .I enter in my class ,everyone was chatting. I sit on chair which is infront beside the window. I sat down and put my books on table suddenly there was a slam on my table .I jumped a little and saw a person who was standing right infront of me.Hikaru.she was one of the danger girls that you should'nt mess with.But unlucky for me she sometime love to mess with me.Lucky me.

"How are you nerd? "she said sweetly pinching my cheek

"" i said rubbing my cheek.

"Oh really"she said sarcasmly.i did'nt say anything.She was about to do something when teacher came in class. I sighed in relief . The teacher name was Mr ziggurat. He is our english teacher. The class started .

Sir ziggurat was writting something on board when a student walked in . Our attention were turned to him . This student has white hair with  red patch on his left side. He  have golden eyes and tan skin . He is the most handsome and a popular boy in the school . He had a bad boy attitude and make less friends .

"Aaa Mr kishatu you are finally attending my class....this late. I would gladly to see you in detention after school . Now please take a seat " Mr ziggurat said to him a little annoyed.

He grumbled something like he didn't care. He walked in class, he suddenly glance at me. I noticed his glance and turned away while blushing. He caught me staring at him how embarrassing.

But she didn't notice that someone was watching her with hatred in eyes . He sat down on chair in the corner of the room and Mr ziggurat start his lecture again.

I was standing at my locker when someone shut it harshly . I turned my attention to hikaru who was glaring at me .

"You should stay away from him , his mine . She growled. "I..I don't know what are you talking about? "i said to her. She pushed me to the ground roughly. My books were scatter on ground. I look at her fear raising in my eyes.

" don't play dumb you nerd , you think I didn't see you in class . Don't even think about him liking you. You are so ugly" she said with disgust. She then walked away. Every one who was around start laughing. "Yep hikaru is right she is ugly " one of the girl said. I quickly picked my books and ran away to my class. I wiped my tears away.

Yepiieee Im done hope you guys like it . If there is any mistakes plz forgive me okay :)I think I'll update new chapter next Sunday ....For now bye bye.



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