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Catty: GUESS WHAT! Doctor Who Time, Babe! Say hello to L.D.!

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"Ezzie," he stopped and turned to look at me, taking me by both hands. His eyes sparkled and his lips were set in an adventurous smirk.

"L.D.?" I raised an eyebrow, excited.

"I'm about to show you something so amazing, so absolutely unbelieveable, you'll probably not believe it until I actually show it to you," he explained, "Ezzie... I'm going to take you on a ride in the TARDIS."

"The what?" I blinked.

"Time And Relative Dimension In Space," he explained, "It can take you anywhere... Anytime... So ,just pick one."

"Hmm..." I considered, "Well... Can we go find another Time Lord? From a previous time? Or maybe a TARDIs of your own?"

"How do you know this isn't my TARDIS?" he demanded.

"Because it's your dad's," I shrugged, "You take all your dad's cool stuff."

"Well..." he considered, "There is a TARDIS junk yard on the outskirts of the universe."

"Perfect!" I beamed, "Wouldn't it be great, L.D.?"

"Wouldn't what be great?" he questioned.

"If you became even more famous than The Doctor?" I giggled.

"That'd be great indeed," he agreed, "I'd need a secret name, though..."

"Hmm..." I pondered, "What about... The Prince?"

"Yeah," he nodded, "I like it... The Prince."

My Boyfriend's a Time LordWhere stories live. Discover now