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Jacob Bixenman

Hands held, we cross the street in a timely fashion, hopeful not to get run over.

"Tell me again why we didn't take the rover?" Troye asks, chuckling to himself quietly as he lept over white lines in the crosswalk.

"Sometimes some fresh air is needed. It can get you out and moving, not all cramped up in a car or house all day." I murmur, watching the boy's every move as we walk down the boulevard.

He lets out a little scoff, "How do you know I'm not running around the house in circles every day until you come back?"

I smile, "Margret keeps me updated regularly."

His eyes widen and cheeks flush as he groans and nudges into my side.

"That traitor." He mumbles into my jacket.

I chuckle and rub his arm, "It's alright darling, I'd never judge you for singing on top of the table to Whitney Houston."

He only groans more, hiding his face in my jacket as we make our way to the restaurant. I manage to get him to show me those pretty cheeks again after the embarrassment fades. We are to the highest rating restaurant in Peckham in no time, striding through the doors hand in hand.

"Table for Bixenman," I speak to the lady waiting by the front desk.

"Right this way, sir." She smiles, leading us out to the dining area.

We're seated in the middle of the room under a crystal chandelier, Troye's eyes twinkling under it. She hands us two menus and grins, "I'll give you time to find out what you'd like and be back when you're ready."

Troye nods to her and she walks away, me clearly distracted in those irises of blue.

Is this love?

"What are you looking at, handsome?" He asks, never failing to make me lift my cheeks and beam.

"You, handsome." I retort, making him roll his eyes playfully and smile.

"Sap." He mumbles.

"And proud, every once in a while." I pause, "How are you?"

He looks down at my hands that are crossed on the table and then back to my eyes, "How am I?"

I nod, urging him to continue.

"I'm great." He whispers, eyes full of emotion, "I'm the best I've felt in a long time."

"That's good." I choke up, my lungs feeling as though they're in my throat.

"Are you alright?" He inquires, picking up on my sudden change in emotion.

I nod quickly, "Mhm, I'm really good. Really good... Uh, what would you like for dinner tonight?"

I break my eyes away from his and look down at the menu in front of me. He does the same and hums, "Hmm."

"Are you two ready?" The waitress asks, making me jump.

"Uh- um, yes. Surprise us." I stutter, a bit angered at myself that I could let myself do such a thing.

She nods, "Alright."

She scribbles on her notepad and walks away, leaving me to the eyes boring into me.

"What's going on with you?" He questions, "You seem scared."

My eyes wander around the table, anywhere but him, "It's nothing, I think I just remembered I have an important meeting tonight after we're done here."

"Oh." He lets out, "Do you need to leave? I can cancel the order if you want."

I shake my head, "No, no. It's okay. I have time."

"Okay." He whispers, his mood dropping subtly.

Did I just ruin the night? I just ruined the night and lied all in a matter of seconds. Bravo, Jacob, bravo. We sit in silence until the food comes, it being a simple dish of soup and steak. Eating in even more silence, I pick up on other conversations others are having around us. I pity almost every soul in this room. They're so dull.

"I'm ready to go when you are." Troye pips up ten minutes later, having barely touched his food.

I furrow my brows, "You didn't touch your food."

He shakes his head, "No, I did. I can take it to go."

I clench my jaw and nod, "... Alright."

And so he does, taking the food I know he'll never touch again to go and keeping his hands occupied as we walk out so I can't hold his hand. I can't help but find myself a little hurt, missing his touch already.

I make sure he is safe walking back to the office and call him a taxi. He kisses my cheek and keeps his eyes averted down, whispering a goodbye. I watch the taxi drive off into the night and walk back into my building. The rest of the evening is spent trying to distract myself the best I can, foolish things like love not being on my agenda.


a/n: your thoughts on my my my aaand go:

i personally adore it for every second of its worth and im so so happy for troye yes my baby my baby !

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