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Troye Sivan

As expected, I lost everything. My flat, my low income of money, my belongings, everything. A lawsuit is five thousand pounds minimum, which is already more than my two months of my salary, and Jacob decided to go for seven thousand, really screwing me over. I had no way to pay so they took my flat and all of my belongings, kicking me to the streets like it was nothing. 

I should have been hurt that the judge that executed this was a close friend, but then I remembered that he was only my friend because he was scared Jacob would ruin his career if he weren't kind to me. And I'm sure he only truly went through with the lawsuit because he was afraid Jacob would come after him with all he's got if he didn't. 

Anyway, back to me. I've been tossed out to the side and there's only one person to blame; Jacob Bixenman.

I'm angry, boy am I angry, and all train of thought and nor common sense has left my body as I stomp way up to Jacob's pretty, tall, and classy mansion. I punch in the code he was far too careless to change after ruining my life and storm through the gates. Of course he wouldn't change his pin. Hell, he's probably daring me to show up to try and take more from me. What more could he possibly take though?

As I get up to his big, white double doors, I lift the door knocker and slam it against the oak, relieving a loud few bangs. I step back onto the doormat and clench my jaw, ready to see this shit excuse of a bloke.

"Sivan, you know I can't let you in my house. It's best you leave before more damage is done." I hear spoken from the intercom I almost forgot he had.

I whip my head up and look around for the camera. Spotting it in the left corner above his door, I glare at it and flip him a bird.

"Fuck you, Bixenman. You at least deserve to see my face in person while I tear you a new one. That much you do deserve." I smile a faked sweet smile through gritted teeth.

He scoffs, "You can say what you need to here then you may go."

The anger boils up, I shoot him another death glare and tighten my jaw until I can feel my teeth gritting.

"Fuck you. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! You arse! You took everything away from me! And for what? One little spill on one little suit! You've got hundreds, fuck, maybe thousands! God, you're such an egotistical prick! Thanks to you I get to sleep on the streets tonight! Hey, maybe I'll get murdered before twenty-four, which is next month, by the way! I thought maybe you knew. I also thought just maybe you actually felt compassion towards me, I was proven incorrect. Thanks, arsehole!" I shout, pacing around and throwing hands up like some maniac.

I couldn't care less about how ridiculous I look right now, though. Even though I'm in my last pair of trousers and a button up, looking as casual as any other day, I do look like I've gone mad. With my messy hair tossed over my teary eyes and pale complexion I think will stay that way until I die because of Bixenman, even my nails look terrible. I've bitten them until they bleed, anxiety ridding through my body.

"They took your things?" Jacob asks quietly, making me snap my eyes back up to the camera and nod.

"Yeah..." I whisper.

He doesn't say anything for a good minute, making me think maybe he left the intercom and left me out by myself.

"You may go now, Sivan." He mutters.

I clench my jaw and nod, "Screw you Jacob Bixenman, screw you."


a/n: angsty troye is secretly my favourite troye

hi there, how's it going? how's ya day going?
mine? fuckin terrible, i had to wake up at ten am lmao (i slept two hours, don't drag me)

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