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Troye Sivan

A yawn and much-needed stretch, I flutter my eyes open and find comfort in the sun casting down on me through the window. I let my eyes wander around the room lazily, my mind calm for once as the first few minutes of consciousness are peaceful as ever when you don't have someone yelling at you or trying to fuck. Well, I wouldn't complain if he were to come in here and fuck the life out of me, but today feels different; calm.

"Knock, knock." A soft-voiced Margret whispers, pushing the cracked door open and entering.

She walks up to the side of the bed, carrying two saucers and a cautious smile.

I give her an odd look, "Hm?"

She lowers them to show two cups of tea then lifts them back up in her hands, "Thought you could use a good morning cuppa."

"Awh, thank you." I offer a sweet smile, "C'mere, sit, sit."

I sit up and scoot over, moving my blanket out of the way so she could get under if wanted. She titters and sits down, her feet just barely hanging off the side as she still has shoes on. She sets the saucers down between us, nodding to me, "Cheers."

I murmur a thank you and pick up my already made cup, Margret knowing just how I like my tea by now. She picks up hers and sips, glancing around the room I made quite a mess of the morning before.

Setting the cup back down, she taps her fingers against her lap, "I'll get started in here when you decide to get up."

"Alright," I nod, sipping my tea and setting it down next to hers.

"No need to get up now though. Take your time dear." She speaks so sweetly, much sweeter than the tea sat in front of us.

I glance at her from the corner of my eye and pick my cup back up, "You're awfully kind today."

She sits up straighter, "What? Me? Awfully kind? Ah, silly boy, must not have gotten enough sleep or something."

"Why don't you sleep s'more? In fact, stay in bed all day if you'd like."

She picks up her cup of tea and stands to her feet, "Thank you for the chat, I'll be back uh- later."

She fixes the blanket where she was sat and rushes out of the room, confusing me just the slightest.

"G'day?" I quirk a brow up.

I move the plate over to her previous spot and set my cup back down. My hands instinctively travel to my hair, running through my roots as I lean forward into my knees and sigh. Everything was so calm, now I don't know what to feel. What was that?

"Sivannn." Mr Bixenman calls.

"What the bloody fuck?" I utter so low under my breath, lifting my head from my lap.

Why is everyone being so... gentle?

"Yes?" I question, raising my voice just how I know he doesn't like and waiting for a scolding.

Alas, I don't get one.

I get that same cautious smile, just on a suited Bixenman instead.

"Good morning." He murmurs, standing at the foot of the bed with his hands held behind his back.

"G'morning," I mumble.

"... What do you want?" I let out, straight to the point.

He crooks his head left, "Oh, nothing, just wanted to see how you're doing... and uh- try to stay away from the internet or the phones or- y'know what, why don't you just kinda stay in here, sleep some more. Beauty rest, y'know?"

I sit up, my entire body tensing, "What's going on?"

"What do you mean? Nothing." He says, though his voice pitched just a bit, giving himself away.

Any other day, he could lie without a second thought or give away. What's so different about today?

"No, what's going on? What's wrong?" I question.

Mr Bixenman shakes his head, "Nothing. Here, let me just..."

He steps back out of the room, holding the door.

"You get all the sleep you need. I'm just going to lock this here door and ah-" He shuts the door without another word and locks it from the inside out, him, of course having such locks.

"Sweet dreams, angel!"

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