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Troye Sivan

"Is it going to be different around here now?" I ask, feeling comfortable in a room with more employees than just Jacob for the first time since I've come back to Bixenman Inc.

Jacob nods, sifting through a file cabinet, "Yes."

"There is no other option, I'm done with the publicity. If they want that bullshit, they can take it elsewhere." He says in a neutral tone, eyes remaining glued to the files in front of him. 

"Alright," I mumble, walking around aimlessly in his office with Rodgers, Smith, and Williams as they wait for Jacob's attention. 

An idea coming to mind, a small smile is placed upon my lips as I make my way to his desk he's not metres from and sit down in his chair.

"Up," It didn't take seconds for him to say, still faced in the other direction.

I guess you could say that's a rule of his. No sitting in his chair, and especially not at his top floor desk. That's where he keeps his most important files and valuables, aka gold-framed pictures of himself throughout the years, current case files, and little tokens of his success.  

I whinge, "But you're not even sitting here."

"If you sit there, you're getting to work." He claims.

I shrug, "I'm alright with that."

Looking forward, I see the three still waiting in line to be seen.

"Well go ahead, see what they want." He directs. 

"Oh," I whisper, clearing my throat.

"I can see you now," I raise my voice for them to hear, though I'm sure they could hear me and Jacob's conversation from the lift. 

"No, it's what do you want." He corrects.

I roll my eyes, mentally wishing he doesn't catch a glance at that. 

"Sorry, what do you want Rodgers?" I speak to the first in line. 

He steps forward and offers out a folder, "Woman claims her ex stole her dog and traded it in for a stray that won't stop coming to her front door... Good potential."

I furrow my brows and shake my head, giving him the most confused look.

"What the-"

"Get out of my office." Jacob steps in.

"Fucking idiot," He adds, mumbling under his breath so only I can hear.

Rodgers scoffs, "But boss-"

"No, out. For fuck's sake, I wonder how you even got through law school." He grumbles.

He huffs and turns himself around, walking to the lift and out of the room. 

"Smith, give me something." Jacob sighs.

He hesitantly steps forward, "I-"

"Nevermind, I'd rather not piss you off." He says, cheeks flushed as he looks to me, "Glad to see you back, Mellet."

"Good call." He mutters.

"Thanks," I whisper to Smith, thankfully having no bad blood with him.

He nods, lifts his hand a little as a wave, and turns around, walking out of the office. 

"Williams," Jacob helplessly murmurs.

"Drug bust. Mister Peers claims he was raided and tipped off by competing druglord in the area. Looking to sue him for compensation." He explains, glancing at his folder.

Bix scoffs, "I like my clients not dead five days after their retainer fee is filed. And I'd rather not have my house and building ransacked by gangsters."

Williams' hopeful look drops, giving us a dirty look, "That's weak of you."

My eyes widen and I look to Jacob for direction.

He looks up from his file he had just pulled out, so close to giving him a menacing glare. It does take some self-control, especially coming from him.

"No, that is smart and responsible of me. Unless you all want your houses set on fire with your kids in them and lives destroyed, fucking let it go." He demands.

Williams shrinks back, gulping harshly.

"Yes, sir." He mumbles, doing just as the last two. Turning around and having a pitiful walk of shame to the lift where they'll feel sorry for themselves and sulk in hatred for Jacob Taylor Bixenman.

Once we're alone, Jacob sighs and slams his cabinet shut.

"They're so fucking helpless some days. It's pathetic." He complains tossing folders on top of his already quite cluttered desk.

"Yeah," I mumble, "Frustrating?"

He hums, "Very."

He steps over to me, so easily slipping his arms under mine and lifting me, picking me up and sitting down in his chair, setting me down on top of his lap. 

"I gotta get to a meeting with corporate, but say, you wait for me in here completely naked with a little something, maybe I'll fuck you extra hard when I get back?" He offers.

My lips can't help but twitch up into a sly smile, "What do you have in mind for a little something?"

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