The YouTuber Next Door

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You were a YouTuber, moderately known (about 5 million subs). Most of your content was random vlogs and lets plays, but your most famous videos were your Love livestreams. Viewers would ask you for relationship advice, your own personal experience, ask about good love stories you know, etc. Most of the time you were pretty calm about it, but a few times you would blush and be a bit shy and giggly. This was rarely. But today, your face is gonna be red as how your neighbors hair was before. But you don't know that.

You sit in your rollie chair, start the livestream and welcome everyone. "Hey, my little buds~! I'm back with another livestream! I have the chat on slow mode, so start sending me your questions~!" You look at the chat and immediately turn a bit pink. "Oh, umm. Looks like a lot of people are asking about my neighbor. First comment I see says 'I ship you and Mark. You two would be adorable together.' Uhhh....Oh. Next I see asks 'Do you spend a lot of time with Mark?' then it has a Lenny face...I do hangout with him often and have done collabs with him, but not in the way that face is suggesting. Let's see...'Why did you turn pink when we mentioned Mark?' Ummm. It's just warm in this room right now. I'm too lazy to turn on the air conditioner, so..."

You look at all the disbelieving 'Mhmm' s on the screen. You 'tch' at them. You start saying the next question without even thinking, turning strawberry red as you hear yourself. " 'Do you have a crush on Mark?' Uhhhhhh. No. Not at all. Nope. Those feelings do not exist. This-this girl is 100% crush free. Yep. Uh-huh. I am a no-crusher. Oh gosh...That sounds so awkward. Where's my crown...?" You pull out your plastic crown that says 'Queen Of Awk' on it in sharpie. You were it every time you turn something awkward, which is quite frequently.

The chat starts exploding with viewers saying '(Y/N)'S CRUSH ON MARKIMOO CONFIRMED'. You sigh. "Y'know what? Sure. Fine. Since this is already awkward and embarrassing; Yes I have a crush on Mark. I fantasize cutsie scenarios, dream of him at night and during the day, grin and giggle whenever he's in the room or even mentioned, and I always pick the 'Yes' to the proposal route in the 'A Date With Markiplier' videos just so I can live for those cute moments before it turns out to be a crappy movie shoot. I am the cheesiest person alive, with an obvious crush, and I don't care if my face feels like the surface of the sun right now, because I'm an idiot who blurts out my feelings on the internet!"

The chat is silent for a couple minutes. Your eyes widen. "Oh schnitzel. I think I broke the internet." Suddenly a comment pops up. It's from Mark.... 'Skype. Now. Make sure to keep the stream going.' Oh no...Was he going to reject you in front of your viewers? No, he's not the kind of person to do that. Maybe he thinks it's a joke and wants to laugh with you about it...?

You open up Skype and accept the call from Mark. He pops up on the screen and smiles. "So, you have a crush on me, (Y/N)?" You turn redder than before and nod, hands hiding your face. "Awww~ Don't hide~ I like you too. I actually have since we first started hanging out. But it wasn't until we hungout even more and I got to really know you that I realized I was falling in love with you..." Your face is the reddest thing on the planet, and you manage to squeak out "I love you too, Marky..." He grins. "I'm gonna hang up now, but you'll see me real soon again. Okay?" You tilt your head in confusion. "Okay...? Bye." He smiles even bigger. "You're so cute. See ya." He hangs up and you just stare at the camera, at your viewers.

"What just happened...?" You hear your door open and you look even more confused. Mark comes into your room and sits down next to you, leaning close. Your eyes widen. "(Y/N), will you go out with me?" You blush a bright pink and nod. "Yes, I will." You both smile. He leans closer to you and kisses your forehead, taking both of your hands in his. "I'm happy you love me back." You shyly kiss his cheek. "I'm happy you were watching this embarrassing livestream and found it out." You both giggle and hug, saying by to the viewers, who were having a fangirl/fanboy spazz fest in the chat.

"Bye guys~ Guess I have a new boyfriend now. So, I guess my advice is. Don't be afraid to admit your feelings. Bye~~~"


A/N: I was blushing like mad the whole time writing this. I'm still blushing and smiling. My face hurts from it, but I don't care. Anywho, please leave comments and requests. Also check out my other works if you're interested. See ya in the next chapter~ Bye-bye~   

Markiplier/Mark Fischbach Fluffy One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now