Chapter 10

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“So what do you want to do today?” Sean asks, peeling off James diapers. I watch in amazement that he would dare go next to James when he has just released the stick bomb of the year.

 “Nothing in particular.” I pause, “Are you sure you don’t want me to take over?” I ask not wanting him to have to suffer because of me. He had basically demanded that I let him help with James ever since three weeks ago when I injured my leg because of Charlotte. I had finally stopped working and spent more time hanging out with James and the girls. We were quickly becoming popular but for some reason we couldn’t seem to drag down Charlotte and her minions. It’s probably because we aren’t mean.

“I’m sure I don’t want you to take over,” he states. “Don’t you trust me?” he asks raising his left brow. It was almost as if it was a trick question.

“Yes and no.” He finishes changing James.

“What is that suppose to mean?”

“It means I trust you with James. You looked after when I was in detention and you’ve helped me to take care of him so much but,” I pause looking away, “I don’t trust you not to cheat.”

I turn to face him just in time to see a hurt expression cross his face before it was gone. We hadn’t talked about the night when we kissed. Sometimes I think I imagined it but then I remember the feel of his lips on mine and I know it was too real to be a dream. I feel bad for doing this to him but I’m scared; scared I’ll get hurt. So he has a past, he can’t change it. Plus it’s not fair for me to judge him when I’m no saint myself.

“Sean -” I begin.

“Forget it,” he says getting up and handing James over to me. I get up too as he begins walking to the door.

“Sean wait,” I juggle James in one arm and grab Sean’s hand causing him to stop. “I didn’t me-”

“Yes you did! You know, I’ve tried to be patient and stop rushing you but I guess there was no point. The fact that I: haven’t been with a girl in four weeks ago; haven’t been getting bad grades and I’ve been looking after James just doesn’t seem enough to show you that I’m serious about you.”  He takes a breath, calming himself down. “There’s only so much I can do Ange. I’m done trying,” he whispers.

I feel my tears close to the edge; I didn’t want to cry. “Please Sean,” I say as his hands slips out of mine. He leans to kiss James’ head before leaving. The sound of the door shutting triggered my tears and I didn’t want to stop it. James started wailing.

“Shh James,” I cry. I pull him closer to me; he was my strength.  I pick up the phone and called Zoe.


“Zoe?” I ask still breathing heavily.

“Ange! What’s the matter?”

“Can you come over please?”

“Of course I’ll be right over.” She cut off the phone and I knew she was already on her way. She was always there when I needed her.

Twenty minutes later there was a knock on the door. I place James on his play mat and open the door. I knew my eyes were puffy and red due to the past minutes of crying. Zoe and Kylie stood there with a tub of Ben and Jerry Cookie dough and chocolate.

“We thought you might need this,” Zoe says as they walk in. I close the door, resting my back against it. They open their arms giving me a much needed hug. We sit down and they turn to face me.  

“Spill!” they say together and I do.

Temporary Babyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن