Chapter 8

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Picture of Ange 

“So you’re just going to give me the silent treatment?” he asks me, turning to face me. I keep facing forward looking out the window keeping my face expressionless. He sighs and concentrates on driving. After a few minutes of silence he, tries again.

“Come on speak to me,” he says with frustration in his voice. I still keep silent.

“You know I don’t know where I’m supposed to be driving to. Where do you work?” he asks knowing that I have no choice but to answer. I hesitate before speaking.

“Sam’s Place,” I state and look as a surprised expression.

“You work at Sam’s Place. I go there all the time and I’ve never seen you there before.”  I sigh knowing that my silent treatment towards Sean is over.

“That’s because I’m the chef,” as soon as I say it I regret it. The fact that I was the chef was a secret. Oh well, Sean knows so much about me as it is so what’s one more.

“You’re the chef. Hold on a second let me get this straight. Not only are you a good substitute mum and an A grade student but a good cook as well. You’re quite the catch aren’t ‘t you?” he laughs and I can’t help but laugh too, even if I didn’t find it that funny. There was something about the way he laughed that makes you want to join in. We stay silent for a few seconds which was nice since it isn’t awkward. After a few minutes he took his phone and did God know what. He like he was texting though.

“You know you still owe me?” he states out of the blue. I look at him puzzled.

“What are you talking about?”

“Remember when I agreed to stay and look after James that night? You said you owe me and I intend to get what I was promised.” He smirks looking at me before turning back to the road. I groan knowing I’m not going to like whatever he asks for. I have a good reputation of doing what I’ve promised and I don’t intend to let Sean be the person to ruin it.

“Okay what do you want?” I say in a bored tone. I might as well try and get this over and done with.

“I haven’t decided yet. I think I’m gonna wait a while, choose carefully. I wouldn’t want to regret my decision now would I?”

“I bet you wouldn’t,” I mutter. He chuckles which made him seem older- more mature somehow. “Pull in here,” I say as he drives into the staff parking lot. He cuts the engine and I get out. He throws the keys without warning but thanks to my years of physical education and my good genes, I was able to catch it.

“Let me guess, you’re good at sports as well,” Sean states as we walks behind me towards the back door. I shrug and open the door. Before I enter I turn to face him with a confused expression.

“You can leave now,” I tell him, not that I know how he’s going to get back when his car was still at school.

“There’s a food try out today so me and a few friends are going,” he pauses for a second realising something. Food try outs happened when Sam was hiring a new chef. What happens is that all people who wanted to apply for the job would come and cook the same dishes. That would be burgers, salads and such. They would be assessed on time and taste and to make sure everyone is judged fairly, the chef of each dish would be anonymous. Each customer would choose what person's food they would eat and they would rate each dish. On try-out days, Sam’s Place was always packed with people because you’d get huge discounts off the food if you took part.

“Wait, I thought you said you were the chef. Are you quitting?” I nod. “Because of James?” I nod again and run my fingers through my hair. After a few seconds he sighs. “Come on lest go in.” He starts moving towards me but I stop him by putting my hand on his chest.

“Actually this door is for staff only,” I smile as he groans, turns and walks away. I walk through the door and go start looking for Sam which isn’t hard since he’s in the kitchen talking to the applicants. I wait till he’s finishes his speech before walking towards him. It wasn’t very long ago that I was having the same speech. I was the youngest applicant and I doubt he thought I would get the job but I did and I’m proud of myself for working hard to get it.

“Hi Sam,” I say giving him a peck on the cheek. He pats my head smiling his famous smile.

“Alright kiddo? I forgot to tell you about try outs today,” he starts looking back at the new possible chefs. “But don’t worry I have a job for you to do.” Gosh, I hope it’s not cleaning up because that would just be the worst. He leads me to the staff room and hands me a black apron that waitresses wear. I look at him shocked. He knew I didn’t really want to be a waitress because he offered me the job once, when I was just a regular customer. He gives me a puppy look that looks great considering he’s forty. “Please kiddo. I wouldn’t ask but its try-outs today and you know how packed and crazy it can get. Just this once, please?”  I sigh knowing I couldn’t say no.

“Just this once,” I say putting on the apron. Sam thanks me and gives me a pen and a notebook. I walk towards Ethan gives me a surprised look.

“You have some explaining to do but for now, table number seven is waiting.” I groan which I seem to be doing a lot lately and walk into the diner. I look around for table seven and what do you know? Sean and his buddies and bimbos are there.

Great just great.    

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