Chapter 7

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“And that’s what happened,” I state as a matter of fact. I have just finished explaining to Sean how I ended up with James. Mr Robertson is absent so we have two free periods. As soon I left the classroom, Sean was outside the door ready with his blast of questions. I lead him to a tree far away from the school building that I go to whenever I want privacy.

“So she left just like that,” he asks shocked. I nod not trusting my voice. We were silent for a few minutes but Sean brakes it with another of his questions.

“Okay, I get that she left James in your care but I don’t get the secrecy?”

“Because he’s not my son; not my baby.  Do you really think that they would allow a sixteen year old teenager to look after a five and a half month baby? They won’t. They’ll take him away and put him with a family who they think can look after him but I don’t want that to happen,” I say sighing.

“They can’t do that. You’re his family; blood family.”

“I’m not sure if that will be enough to convince them. If it ever came out to the authorities, then the best that could happen is that he goes to live with another of my relatives, but they all live abroad so I wouldn’t get to see him. Well, unless I went with him that is.”  

“What about your parents?” he asks curiously.

Well that’s a long story,” I say, not wanting to explain.

“Well, I’ve got time,” he stated making himself comfortable against the tree.

“Well," I pause deciding if I should tell him the truth, "Have you ever heard of Keera and Richard White?” I ask.

“The famous billionaire couple? Sure I've heard of them. They’re both owners of their own companies. They came from a poor background, but they won the lottery and used their money to invest in which then lead to there-”

“Sean!" I shout stopping his rant. "I asked if you’ve heard of them, not for their life story,” I huff.  He pulls a cute baby face and apologies which makes me smile. He can be so cute.

“Well... there my parents.” He looks puzzled at what I just said.

“How can that be possible? You don’t even have the same surname.” I expected him to respond like this. It’s true, I don’t have their surname.

“My sister and I took our grandmas maiden name for safety. Being the children of rich parent isn’t all it cracked up to be. If people knew we were their daughter, then we would be at risk. We’d probably be kidnapped annually so our parents could be threatened to pay up money. That’s why it’s not common knowledge that we exist, only a few people know the truth.” I look him in the eye as I tell him this so he can see the honesty in my eyes.

“You’re serious aren’t you?” he asks. I nod, looking into the distance.

“And does-” he begins but I cut him off.

“I really don’t want to talk about it Sean. I just thought you should know.”


“Why, what?” I ask confused.

“Why do you think I should know?” For a moment he looks me deep in the eyes and I can see the burning hunger in them.  Since I have become closer to Sean, I’ve noticed the sexual tension between us. It had started as a small flame but now it was sizzling out of control. I’ve tried to ignore the physical chemistry between us; saying it was my imagination. But looking at him now, there was no doubt that it was real and was it was demanding that the fire was put out. I groan and cast my eyes away. I was a virgin for Christ sake. I may not be one of those girls who believe their first time should be with someone they love and that they’ll be together forever but I still wanted it to mean something. Not some a quickie with the schools player.

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