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' righteous '

THE STRAWBERRY BLONDE CRINGED at the sound of the cruel king's giggle

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THE STRAWBERRY BLONDE CRINGED at the sound of the cruel king's giggle. Her ears began to ring slightly, her eyes squeezing shut as she controlled herself from ripping out his vocal cords. Her hand balled into a fist, nails digging into her skin to create a sense of pain, allowing her to come back to her senses. She didn't want to go back down that road again.

"I hear her strange heart," Aro noted as Renesmee walked closer to the leader of the coven that didn't scare her a bit. At least, not with the other hybrid standing right behind her, on high alert. Aro crouched down to her height, a small curios smile tugging at his lips.

"Hello, Aro." The hybrid child spoke bravely, her confidence level boosting every step she took. The brunette raised her hand, placing it on Aro's cold cheek and showing him a few images of her life, her memories. The vampire was in awe, his eyes wide as he stared at the child with shock.

"Magnifico." He whispers halfway through. After a few seconds, Renesmee removed her hand from his face and took a step back where Bella wrapped her arms around her. Aro stood straight and looked back to the other Volturi members as well as their witnesses. "Half mortal, half immortal. Conceived and carried by this newborn, while she was still human." He explained, looking at Bella in awe and shock.

"Impossible," Caius said which caused Aro to narrow his eyes at him, almost like a glare.

"Do you think they have fooled me, brother?" Aro said, turning his back on the group that stood before him. They walked back to their places with the shapeshifter, Jacob, growling at the Volturi. Once Angelina got back to her previous position, Rosalie immediately brought her into her embrace, holding her tight in her arms. Angelina knee that if Rosalie had a heart, it would be beating very quickly right now from the fear of her mate being injured.

Warmth flooded Angelina as she realised her mate worried about her. She thought she'd have to push more for Rosalie to open up to her and for her to prove to the blonde that she will always be there for her mate.

"Bring the informer forward." They brought Irina forward, her eyes cast towards the floor. "Is that the child you saw?" Caius asked, looking at her with his lips puller backwards.

"I'm not sure." Came her reply.

"Jane." Caius threatened.

"She's changed. This child is bigger." Irina stated as fear was laced in her voice.

"Then your allegations were false." Yelled an angry Caius. Angelina took a big gulp of air, knowing what was going to happen to the third sister of the Denali sisters. She turned away, hiding her face in Rosalie's chest as she shielded her from the horrifying moment.

"The Cullen's are innocent. I take full responsibility for my mistake. I'm sorry." They set a torch on fire before ripping her arms off.

"Irina." The two blonde Denali's yelled as they ran forward once her head was ripped off and her body on fire. Angelina let out a tiny whimper, one only a few heard.

"Blind them." The Amazon girl used her powers to remove their sight.

"Give me my sight back," Tanya said, looking everywhere. Edward crouched down in front of her as she was held back.

"Tanya, this is what they want. If you attack now, we'll all die." Tanya nodded, and the amazon girl gave their sight back. Once Angelina knew everything was over, she turned to look at the Volturi and saw that Aro glanced at Jane before she locked eyes with Edward.


Edward fell to the ground in pain as Jane's power was used on him. The vampire let out a groan of pain; his eyes clenched shut. Rosalie let out a growl, and Angelina felt her hatred and anger towards the Volturi. Soon enough, a weird translucent and protective feeling wrapped around everyone and the ginger-haired vampire knew it was Bella's shield as the source was coming from her.

However, Edward was still in pain and she knew that she had to do something quickly. She considered everyone on their side family. Letting go of Rosalie, Angelina stepped forward and closed her eyes, arms stretched outwards.

"Imperium." Her eyes snapped open, a silver colour. The redhead quickly took control of Jane's mind and the blonde froze, no longer in control of her own actions.

A smirk played on the strawberry blonde's lips as everyone watched in confusion as Jane's hand lifted up and down and it was confirmed that Jane was not in control. Her smirk widened as she made her use her power on her blonde 'king' to which he groaned in pain.

"Jane!" They yelled but she continued to stare blankly at her king, her power still working to the use of Angelina. All the vampires on the other side were confused while Vladimir and Stefan were laughing their heads off, ignoring the looks of judgment from both the Volturi and the people on their side.

Rosalie rose a brow and looked down at me mate, she had a feeling Angelina was to do with this and when she saw her silver coloured eyes, she knew it was because of Angelina and so did Edward, and as much as they were enjoying this, they had to stop her before it got out of hand.

"Angelina," Edward called, the mind reader distracting her which meant that Jane was given control her body. The said vampire sighed, letting out a small pout before stepping back into her mate's embrace.

The Volturi looked at the confused blonde, the guard looking around before spotting the smirking ginger.

"You." She growled and was about to go for her when she was stopped by her master, who looked at Angelina with fear and awe.

"Aro, you see there are no laws broken here," Carlisle broke the silence stepping forward. They chose to ignore what had happened since they didn't know what happened and Jane was too busy glaring at Angelina to tell them what happened to her.

"Agreed. But does it then follow that there is no danger." Aro said before turning back to his members and people. "For the first time in our history, humans pose a threat to our kind. Their modern techno has given birth to weapons that could destroy us. Maintaining our secret has never been more imperative. In such dangerous times, only the known is safe. Only the known is tolerable, and we know nothing of what this child will become. Can we live with such uncertainty? Spare ourselves a fight today, only to die tomorrow." Whispers erupted amongst the Volturi as fear appeared on the faces of their witnesses. Soon, footsteps were heard, two pairs of footsteps.


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