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' timeless '


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"HELLO, I'M ANGELINA." A young looking girl stood in the middle of the Cullen's living room in Forks. Her strawberry blonde hair shimmered under the sunlight streaming through one of the windows of the modern looking house. The broad curve on her lips sent a sense of comfort through the bodies of the vampires standing in the room while her eyes twinkled with mischief yet it had an undertone of wisdom in it.

Standing before the hybrid was a flawless looking child, her brown hair cascading down her back in waves, a vibe of innocent emitting off of her. The corner of her lips tugged upwards, the child's smile shined like the stars in the sky, with no bright city lights to dim them. It was like the sun opened its eager light to shine about her, only brightening her perfectly aligned teeth.

The feeling of tense left the bodies of the vampires within the living room of the modern house. It was as if one smile from both hybrids could calm them down. A couple stood behind the hybrid with relief on their faces. Once they saw the interaction between the two hybrids, they knew that their daughter would be safe no matter what.

Renesmee Cullen stared at the beauty before her in awe, a feeling she felt when she as with her mum lit up in her chest. Gathering her courage, the child raised her hand upwards, placing her palm on the delicate skin of Angelina.

A small gasp bubbled out of the strawberry blonde's throat as images filled her mind. Images of Renesmee's birth, her first memory along with her life so far. How she played games with her the male that smelt of wet dog, who she presumed was her imprint and her parents. Though there was one memory that stuck out to Angelina, it was one of Renesmee's favourite as well. The brunette was sitting on the brown piano stool, her fingers pressing down gently on the ivory keys before her. A fond smile tugged at Angelina's lips as she remembered the time when her mother played the piano for her every time she got nightmares. The strawberry blonde realised that the nightmares she used to have as a human were about a monster that would terrorise children and kill without any mercy - a monster like her.

Angelina's mind became blank, the images disappearing along with the warmth of the child's hand. The older hybrid looked down at her, hazel meeting almond. Mischief meeting innocence. It was then that she decided that she would protect that child at all costs. Renesmee was too pure for this world, too sheer for the Volturi.

"Such a beautiful gift," Angelina spoke, wrapping her arms around the girl and bringing her into her embrace. Renesmee smiled softly, relaxing into her arms. Angelina pulled away and placed a kiss on her forehead. "You truly are a miracle." She cooed, her eyes twinkling. From the corner of her eyes, Angelina spotted two vampires smile warmly at the scene, relief shining in both of their eyes. The hybrid got off her knees, brushing her skirt with her hands lightly.

"Angelina." The said girl looked towards her blonde friend. "I would like you to meet Edward and Bella." The couple greeted her me with a 'hello' while she waved, a smile painted on her face.

"Jacob." By the pictures Renesmee showed her, Angelina recognised him as the child's imprint. The bond and love of an imprint were very recognisable to witches. He was relatively large for a shapeshifter, taking note of the fact that he may be an alpha.

"And lastly Renesmee." Angelina nodded her head, but a look of confusion passed her face. She recalled him telling her that he had five children. As if sensing her confusion, Carlisle spoke up. "Yes, there are four more. Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie. We do not know where Alice and Jasper went, but Emmett and Rosalie have gone hunting."

Angelina felt an odd yet pleasurable shiver run down her spine at the name of her friend's last child. She felt a weird feeling bloom within her. It was unfamiliar to the strawberry blonde for she had never felt this feeling in her entire life and she has lived a very long time.

It's weird yet...nice.

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