You Did Not Just Say That Louis

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Sorry this update was so late but I get distracted really easily! On the Geo trip, we had a ton of info to gather plus, there were movies playing on the bus and I just had to watch them. Damn you Finding Nemo and Dory's


statements. And I also had massive writers block.

Any who, here's the chapter!


"Kate, I need to tell you something." a guilty voice told me. I turned to the speaker.

"What have you done Harry?" I sighed, preparing myself for the worst.

"I..........................." the rest was lost because he mumbled it and was looking at the floor as he did so. So basically, I couldn't hear his confession.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Did you know that when a woman says what, it's not because she didn't hear you, she's giving you a chance to rephrase." Harry stated with a knowing look in his eyes, turning to Louis who was behind him. Woman? Ha, that'll be the day when I become a woman! I'm guessing around about......never. Nope, it's just not gonna happen. Uh uh, no way.

"WRONG!" he exclaimed loudly, causing me to jump slightly. "She asking if you have the balls to repeat it!"

Harry frowned at his best friend. "No..." he said slowly, like he always does. "Chance to rephrase!"


"Chance to rephrase!"


They started having this huge ass hissy fit over who was right when all that happened was that I didn't hear what Harry had said. It's not my fault I don't speak mumbled at floor!

"Or," I interrupted, stepping between them which stopped the fight. "Maybe she didn't fucking hear you! When you mumble at the ground, it's kinda hard to pick up on what you're saying!" I said, glaring at Harry. "Now just tell what you did! Sheesh!"

It was just after lunch and Louis had already devoured an entire bag of carrots and I had to go all ninja on Niall again because he tried to steal my Pringles and Pineapple Lumps. He'd already had his favourite lollies (jaffas, sherbert fizzies and coke bottles). The others also want me to add that I tripped again, but I beg to differ! The floor looked lonely so I wanted to give it a hug! Is that so wrong?! If someone's lonely, you have to give them a hug! It's in the rulebook! Look it up, I dare you! O.o

"Well, I, ummm...." Harry started, looking away from my gaze and scratching the back of his head.

"Just spit it out!" I ordered after a few more seconds of his blabbering.

"Okay, okay. I stole your camera and took a ton of photos, you happy now?" he finally managed to say. I raised my eyebrows at him in disbelief.

"Is that what you were so worried about? That you took my camera and used it to take pictures? Why would I be mad at you for doing that? Everyone else does it, so I'm cool with it. As long as you didn't take any naked bathroom shots of yourself. If you did, please delete them!" I shuddered. Who knew what that boy got up to in the bathroom. I really don't want to think about it.

"I would never do that!" Harry defended, horrified.

"Yeah," Louis supported. "He would do that on his own camera!"

"Boo!" Harry accused.

"What? It's true! Like how you took those pictures in-" Louis explained, making gestures of the... act... with his hands.

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