Beilschmidt Family x Abused!Child!Reader Part 2

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(h/c) = hair color
(e/c) = eye color
(d/n) = dad's name
(l/c) = length and color
(y/n) = your name

~Normal P.O.V.~

It has been a good 5 years since (y/n) was taken by the Germanic family. The (h/c) girl was as happy as she could be with the three males, but she still had nightmares when she was living with her biological father. No matter how hard she tried, she could never forget those horrible days with that man. (Y/n) was scared he might find her and take her back for more punishment. He haunts her. His messy short (h/c) hair and those angry blue eyes that held complete disgust towards her, terrified her. Gearhart was angry at the man who hurt the girl he took in as his daughter. He didn't deserve to be called dad. Not anymore. The night, he and his two sons found (y/n), he promised to protect her from anyone who dares hurt her.

~your P.O.V.~

I was sitting in the living room with my vati and two bruders having family time like we do every Friday night. I tried to hard to keep a poker face since I was kicking Gil's butt at Uno, but failed and started to laugh after I threw down a draw 4 card for him and changed the color from green to yellow. His face was priceless as he just stared at the pile with, what looked like, a look of pure disbelief. Ludwig held back a chuckle as vati gave an amused grin while ruffling my hair.

"Come on, sis! Don't you love your big brother, Gil?!" he whined.

I pretended to think with a grin. "Hmmmmm.....nope~!"

That got vati and Ludwig to laugh since Gilbert was now in a corner, sulking, as he drew circles on the carpet while hugging his knees with his other. Giggling, I walk over and hug his neck and nuzzled in his albino hair like I always do. It works every time since I was able to get him to smile at my actions, despite what happened at the table moments ago. The next thing I realized was that I was hanging upside down over his shoulder. Laughing, I tried to get him to put me down but since he was twice my size in both height and strength, it was useless.

Upon hearing the doorbell ring, we stopped and Gil set me down on my feet. We were curious about who would come to visit us this late at night. Nobody comes to our house after 8 since they have more important to do. Getting permission from vati, I answered the door and froze in terror.

It was him.

The man who haunts my dreams.

My biological dad.


He gave a dark smirk "I finally found you~"

~3rd person P.O.V.~

The three men stood and stared at the man. They wondered why (y/n) was frozen in place before the man spoke. Hearing the sick and twisted tone, they all glared at him. Anger took over them as the said man took ahold of your hair, giving it a painful tug, making you cry out in pain. They were sure he pulled out a good chunk of your (l/c) hair out of your head from how hard he pulled. Hearing your cries, Gearhart suddenly walked up to the man and punched him square in the jaw. Your abusive dad had let go of your hair in favor of his now throbbing jaw. He swore he heard it crack from the impact but then felt something in his mouth. Spitting out the contents, he noticed it was his blood with a chunk in it. His tooth. (D/n) growled and went to punch Gearhart in return only to have a fist in his gut. During the fight, the (h/c) girls brothers took her to the bathroom to check her head for any injuries and to keep her from seeing the two men go at each other. To Ludwig and Gilbert, their dad was damn scary when it came to protecting his family.

It was only 30 minutes later that your dad had come into the room you and your brothers were in. He was covered in a little blood. But it wasn't his. It was from your other dad. Seeing your teary state, Gearhart gently wiped away the tears from your (e/c) eyes before bringing you into his arms. You cried as he gently stroked your hair, careful as you were still in some pain from when (d/n) tried to rip your hair out. Your dad whispered sweet German words in your ear while your two brothers rubbed your small back.

"He won't hurt you again, liebling. I promise." Gearhart said softly.

Hearing your vati's words, you sat up and sniffled, rubbing your eyes with your forearm. You looked into his blue eyes that were prettier than the sky itself and smiled a bit. "Danke, Vati~."

"You're welcome. Now how about we finish our game?"

"Ja~!" You smiled happily as the four of you went back into the living room to continue where you left off. And let's just say, your brother Gilbert sucked at Uno.

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