1P!Canada x Mute!Reader x 2P!Canada

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Part 3

~~~~Alfred's P.O.V.~~~~

Al and I saw (y/n) collapsed to the floor and started to get worried. "She said she took her inhaler to work, you think Matt or Matthew might have seen it?" I asked my twin.

"Maybe, go call them and hurry!" Al yelled. I grabbed the phone and dialed Matt's number. It rang a few times until I heard Matt's voice.

"Hey, Matt did you find an inhaler at the restaurant?" I asked. I listened to his answer while looking at Al, trying to keep (y/n) breathing.

"She needs that right now, she's not breathing very good!" I panicked. He started to get worried and said he'll be right over with it. I thanked him then hung up.

"Well? Did they see it?" Al asked, trying to keep her breathing.

I nodded. "They found it on the booth we sat at. He's bringing it now."

"Good." Al said. "(y/n), keep breathing, okay? Matt's bringing it over now. Alfred, go get a cloth and fast!"

I nodded and got the cloth then came back. "You keep her dry while I try to keep her breathing." I nod and wipe her face. "c'mon (y/n)! Breathe! Stay awake!" Al tries to encourage her until we heard knocking at the door.

I run to open the door and there stood Matt and Matthew looking worried. "Here's her inhaler. Where is she?" Matt asked.

I moved out of the way to let them see (y/n). She was sweating and breathing very labored. Matt rushed over and gave Al the inhaler. "(y/n), here, take this...." he said as he helped her inhale the medicine.

"That's it, (y/n), you're doing good. Just keep breathing." Al said.

(Y/n)'s breathing was slowing down to her normal pace. Al had her in his lap while she was calming down and kept saying things to help her breath. She opened her eyes and looks at my twin. She gripped my brother's shirt and buried her face in it.

"It's okay, dudette, just get some rest." I said. Once that was said, she nodded was out like a light. Al gave her to Matt and lied her head on his lap, trying to explain what happened.

~~~~Matt's P.O.V.~~~~

Matthew and I were extremely worried when we heard (y/n) wasn't breathing. Al got her to breathe normally and was supporting her head on his lap. Al explained what happened and Alfred was quite the whole time. Al had to make a phone call and Alfred was making soup for (y/n). Her head was now resting on my lap and Matthew was holding her hand. Her breathing is still a bit heavy, so I started to help her breath and so did Matthew.

"It's okay, (y/n), you can do it. keep breathing."

We saw her open her (eye color) eyes again and they looked dull and blank. She looked at me and her dull eyes got bright with hope. (Y/n) shook in slight fear.

"I-it's okay, (y/n). We're h-here for y-you." my shy twin said.

She nodded and continued to copy my breathing pattern which seems to be helping her. Al came back and he wasn't very happy, more or less he was really pissed off.

"Our damn boss needs us right away. (y/n) was almost done packing until she panicked about her inhaler. Sorry Matt, but she needs to stay with you guys a bit longer than we thought."

I nodded and they went to (y/n)'s room to pack the rest of her things. I cradled her in my arms, putting her head on my shoulder and Matthew holding her hand, who was sitting on the floor beside me. After a few minutes, (y/n)'s breathing was back to normal; sleeping peacefully. I soothed her hair while singing a lullaby in French. Our mother sang this song to me and Matthew when we were little. Al and Alfred came back with, what I guessed was her belongings, and was heading towards the door.

"We're gonna put her things in your car, then we gotta leave. We'll be back soon, take care of her." Alfred said and closed the door while going outside.

Matthew and I went to the car to go home, with me in the back keeping (y/n) close and Matthew driving. When we got home, Matthew carried in her suitcase and took it to the spare room. I carried (y/n) to her room and lied her down on the bed. I climbed into bed with her and held her hand while facing her. Matthew climbed in on the other side and held her other hand, facing her as well. We both fell asleep with her in our arms that night with smiles on our faces.

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