1P!Canada Ending

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~~~~Your P.O.V.~~~~

You woke up in an unrecognized room that you knew you didn't fall asleep in. You looked around and saw red and white sheets that were the colors of the Canadian flag. The room had two dressers and a closet full of hockey gear. Soon, you felt an arm tighten its grip around your waist. You looked over and found a familiar blonde headed boy, who had you in his embrace and slept soundly.

The innocent Canadian had a small smile gracing his face, with his short blonde hair that stayed in its place except for one cute little stubborn curl that hung in his face. you liked Matthew when you met him at work, who came with, his older brother, Matt. Matthew was a shy kid and always carried his pet polar bear, Kumajiro, in his arms. He looked so cute when he was sleeping, so you couldn't help but smile at the sight. You snapped out of your thoughts when he started to stir in his sleep. You closed your eyes, pretending to be asleep, hoping he wouldn't notice that you were awake.

~~~~Mattie's P.O.V.~~~~

I woke up and notice (y/n) was still sleeping. I tightened my arm around her waist gently and smiled. She was so beautiful, with her (h/l) (h/c) hair framing her face perfectly. I brushed some of her soft (h/c) hair away from her face and she smiled slightly in her sleep. Her smile could brighten up my day every time I see it. I nuzzled her neck and inhaled her scent. She smelled like (f/f).

I stayed in this position until I heard a soft chuckle. I look up to see Matt standing in the doorway and a smile on his face. I blushed and began to sit up but he shook his head.

"It's okay, Matthew. I can see you really care about her. Make her happy." Matt smiled.
I smiled back and nodded. "I will, Matt. I promise." He nodded and was about to leave but stopped.

"You want breakfast? I'm making pancakes." I nodded happily.

He chuckled at my love for the fluffy discs and left. I looked back at (Y/n) and smiled. I carefully pulled her into my chest and cradled her in my embrace, closing my eyes and lied there with her in my arms.

~~~~Matt's P.O.V.~~~~

I saw my little brother holding (y/n) in his arms while she was sleeping. I smiled. I was happy for him cause he was mostly never noticed by anyone, not even by his own brother, Alfred, sometimes. Then again, neither was I. Ever since the 1P!'s and the 2P!'s got along with each other, Matthew was constantly forgotten. I first talked to him and he was surprised that he was even noticed by anyone.

We hung out a lot and I eventually called him my little brother, even if we aren't related by blood. (Y/n) would be the perfect person Matthew will need in his life, so he can be loved an noticed. I walked into the kitchen to continue making pancakes for breakfast. I started to make Matthew's batch of pancakes and made a bit more batter to make (y/n) some pancakes as well.

Later, as I was putting the last of the pancakes on a plate, I heard Matthew and (y/n) coming from the room. I looked and saw the two with their fingers entwined together. She smiled and waved and I waved back with a soft smile. I put the pancakes on three different plates and set them on the table. Then, the three of us began to eat together.

~~~~Timeskip: Your P.O.V.~~~~

After you ate and 'thanked' Matt for the breakfast, you went to the spare room they were going to let you use and you put your stuff at the end of the bed. You heard a knock at your door. You walked to the door and opened it to find Matthew standing there with a hint of a blush visible on his cheeks.

"I-I was seeing if y-you needed help with your s-stuff..." You saw that Matthew was acting differently.

He was shifting his feet and was looking at the floor. You thought it was cute seeing Matthew act like this. You nodded. you looked around and saw a dresser, but you thought it was filled with their clothes.

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