1P!Canada x Mute!Reader x 2P!Canada

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Part 2

~~~~Matt's P.O.V.~~~~

I and Matthew are sitting at (f/r) for lunch. We were waiting for Al and Alfred when someone walked up to our table. She had (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. She held up a pad of paper and a pencil and looked at me wondering what I wanted. I ordered some pancakes and the girl then turned to my younger brother who ordered the same thing.

The (h/c)nett smiled then nodded and left. A few minutes later, the girl came back with two plates of pancakes and two bottles of Canadian maple syrup since we told her that we really like Canadian made syrup. She gave us our plates and looked at her watch, it was probably her break time.

"Are you on break, now?" I asked the girl who only nodded.

"Why not eat with us? We would enjoy your company." she nodded again and sat down next to me.

"So, w-what's y-your name, miss?" Matthew shyly asked the girl.

She got out her notepad and scribbled down something and held it up. "(y-y/n)? That's a-a nice name. It's p-pretty." Matthew said quietly.

She blushed a little from the comment he gave her. "Hope I'm not being rude, but, can you talk at all?" I asked.

She shook her head 'no' and began writing on her notepad. 'A few months ago, a fire started at my house. I tried to get out, but I was trapped under a board. I passed out a few minutes after that. I woke up in the hospital and the doctor said the smoke damaged my vocal cords. He also said, that in time my voice will come back, but I highly doubt that will happen.'

I frowned. "Damn. Sorry, I asked." I said, feeling guilty for asking.

(Y/n) shook her head. 'No, it's okay. You wanted to know, so I told you. No big deal. What are your names and where are you from anyway? I moved here from (n/o/c).' she smiled.

"I'm Matt and this is my younger brother Matthew. We're from Canada." I said as she shook my hand then did the same to Matthew and smiled again.

"I see you finally met our friend here, huh, Mattie?" I growled at the nickname and at the only person I know who says it.

"Al, you want me to knock the rest of your teeth out?"

"Hey, I came to see you and bring my friend here her lunch. Here you go, doll, it's your favorite." She smiled at Al with a look that said 'Thank you' and began eating with the rest of us after (y/n) got Al's and Alfred's food.

~~~~Reader-chan's P.O.V.~~~~

As I was eating, Matt asked Al how we met.

"Well, she moved next door a few months after you and Matthew left. She was outside one day and some bastard 'accidentally' let his scary-ass dog loose. It was heading towards (y/n) at full speed, ready to attack her. We were on the porch when it happened so we ran to help her."

Matt and Matthew listened while they were eating as Al continued while Alfred was eating in silence since he already knew what happened that day of my 'accident'.

"I managed to keep the dog back while Alfred took (y/n) in the house. The dog went back to its owner and I gave a good 'talking to' and then he ran off. (Y/n) only got scratched in the leg, but it was nothing serious, but it was deep. We started to hang out more after that, and I'll admit, she's really cool to hang out with." I smiled at his comment.

"Hey, dudette, do you still have that scar?" Alfred asked me and I nodded.

"Show them!" He yelled while taking a bite of his burger.

I then stood up and lifted my pant leg and revealed a scar that went from my ankle to the bottom of my knee. Both Matt and Matthew nearly choked on their drinks.

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