Hospital Beds and Green Jell-O (Lena Luthor)

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The steady beep of the machines next to you was what woke you up. At least that's the story you'd stick to if anybody asked. In reality, it was the nauseating scent of green Jell-O mixed with the gentle smell of Lena Luthor. You slowly opened your eyes and flinched at the amount of light pouring into your room. 

"You're awake." Lena said excitedly. "I wasn't completely sure you would." 

"With machines that loud how could I sleep?" You asked and Lena looked worried. "Besides, somebody has a little crush on me." 

"You remember that?" Lena asked and you nodded. "I hope it doesn't change our friendship." 

"I mean, I took an alien bullet for you, I think we can move past friends Luthor." You said, jokingly calling her by her last name. Anybody else, it would have angered her, but with you, she always seemed to smile. 

"I'm glad you really do like me back." Lena said and you smiled, looking out of the window. "You've been out for a couple weeks." 

"How much longer do I have to stay?" You asked and Lena shrugged. 

"The hospital wants you for at least another week, but the DEO wants to take you today." Lena informed you and you nodded. "It's kind of up to you." 

"DEO, my life will not becoming hospital beds and green Jell-O for a week." You said and Lena smiled. "That stuff is disgusting." 

"You're over-exaggerating." Lena said and you shrugged. 

"Yeah, but you love me for it." You said and Lena rolled her eyes. You kissed her quickly before some doctors came in and took you to the DEO, where Lena spent literally 75% of her time with you. 

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