First Date (Alex)

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"Danvers wait up!" You yelled, running to catch up with her. "When I said a hike would be a nice first date, I didn't mean we'd run through the woods at night."

"There's a concert on the other end of the park that starts in 25 minutes, if we run we can get there with enough time to get snacks." Alex said and you ran in front of her. There are two things you don't mess around with, concerts and snacks. By the time she got there you were on the ground and having an asthma attack.

"Do you see my inhaler?" You asked and she shook her head. "I dropped it in the woods and it would be helpful right about now."

"I'll, um, look for it." Alex said before running and coming back with it. All in all, the band was good and so were the snacks, so it was worth it for the near-death experience.

"Wait a minute!" You yelled as you walked towards your apartment building with her. You stopped, leaned in and kissed her before running to your apartment and passing out.

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