First Date (Lena Luthor)

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"Ms. Luthor reservations for two." The waiter said and you were pretty sure that you'd never been in a place this fancy before. "Right this way."

"Thank you." Lena said and you pulled her chair out for her before sitting in your own. "So, what is it that is bothering you?"

"This is lovely, but there is no way that I can pay for this and make it home without credit card debt." You said and she passed a menu towards you. "Who has the money to pay $150 for chicken, salad, and soup?"

"I do, which is why I am paying for this in hopes of a cheaper second date." Lena said and you nodded. You ordered the least expensive thing on the menu which was a plain tomato soup and some type of noodles on the side. It was kind of terrible, but you bought McDonald's on the way home.

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