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The Game of Love and War: Lovelorn

Date Published: November 3, 2017
Date Completed: N/A


Hellooooo 👋

Um, hi there ghost readers 👻, rereaders and new readers- welcome to my story. This is Lovelorn and I'm Emika36, nice to meet you everyone.

So let me address a few things first before you proceed. Think of this as an orientation before you ride a rollercoaster, cuz I know you'll need the warning.

First things first- this is my original story. The otome game Lovelorn does not exist and and any resemblance to those of real life, the characters or places, is purely a coincidence and used in a fictitious manner, it whatever that means hahaha.

Pictures belong to their respective owners that I managed to fish from the sea of pictures we call pinterest or the ocean of images we call google. I'll say if and when it belongs to me.

As for the contents, this is the generic "Reborn as the villaines of an otome game" troupe because why not?- Everyone seems to just die and be reborn as the villainess in an otome game these days. I'll join in the troupe!

You know, something about reincarnation facinates me. Something about it was just so enchanting that I decided I had to write something like this. The otome game troupe was also so complex it just makes me gush at all those possibilities. Having a villainess as my main character before things fuck her up is interesting as well. Then add those three in a bowl filled with prophecies, memories, hidden agendas,engagements and royalty, then you got a beautiful recipe for a catastrophically heartbreaking disaster, and this here, is what we call Lovelorn

People spare me. Even if it can be incredibly cliche at times, but trust me it won't be. Prepare for your eyes to bleed then choke to death because of the cliche'd ness of this story. It is highly advised to maybe eat some snacks, sweets or popcorn while reading this story.

It's hard to find another decent story from that troupe once you've read the best. So struck with an intense lightningbolt of inspiration I ended up writing this excuse of a book. Also if you have some amazing reborn-as-a-villainess story feel free to recommend it to me. I ran out of books to read for that troupe.

Believe me when I say I've read them all. /*serious face*\

Anyway, sit back and relax, buckle your seat belts and prepare for one hell of a ride.

-Emika out.


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