IT CAST : Dating Nicholas would include

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- The two of you being EVERYONE'S
favorite couple.

- Nothing is sugar coated in the relationship, if your blouse is ugly, hunty you'll know it.

- Him constantly spamming your phone with memes.

"For fuck's sake, Nicholas! I'm in the other room you could literally just walk to me!"


- You being a sibling to the IT cast,
right beside Nicholas.

- The kids all calling the two of you "Parents."

FinnWolfhard: My PARENTS took me out for ice-cream today.. sadly Nicholas ate mine!1!1!1

Nicholas.hamilton: Thanks for the free ice-cream, dick.

- You stealing plenty of shirts from him, and him never noticing because that boy has a wardrobe bigger than the size of your room.

- The best of tweets being sent between the two of you.

Y/t/n: Just got a taco, RAWR XD.

NicholasHamilton: Please, get some help. We all worry for you.

Y/t/n: Get help on this dick.

NicholasHamilton: THERE ARE CHILDREN. Disappointed.

- Calling each other foul names, but knowing that the both of you are joking whilst doing so.

"Hey, asshole?"

"Yeah, Prick?"

- You being very competitive at something the both of you enjoy.

"You can't touch this!"

"I wouldn't want to, even with a
ten foot pole."

- Constant teasing one another.

"Suck a dick, Nicholas."

"Sorry. Isn't that yOuR job?"

- Though the two of you behind closed doors are actually so sweet to one another.

"You're really beautiful,"

"Thanks, I know."

[ Maybe not SO much.. ]

- Constant I love you's when away from others.

- "Nicholas, you didn't flush the damn toilet! DISGUSTANG."

- The two of you would be extremely comfortable in front of one another.

"Why are you in your underwear?"

"I got tired of pants, they're just so mainstream."

- Watching Brandon Rogers together, because damn Nicholas is obsessed with the humor from the YouTuber.

- sO jUst tHe BesT.

This one was requested by : Philomenaheyy

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