IT CAST : Awkward/embarassing moments

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Finn -: The only awkward moment the two of you have had is the first time you decided to give him a Skype call whilst he was away. Neither of you had anything to talk about, so you basically just sat there staring at each other's faces.

"I think I now know why I deleted Skype in the first place."


Sophia -: You had gotten back to the hotel the both of you were staying at, and went to go tell her Goodnight but you actually walked in on her dancing to [ Some memeful song you enjoy ] with a Shrek mask hiding her facial features.

"..I think you need therapy.."


Jack -: You had invited both him and Wyatt over for a movie marathon, but halfway through you had fallen asleep. When you awoke, you couldn't find them, and assumed they left. So to continue the once blissful sleep you went into your bedroom, only to find the both of them with your bras clipped around their head and recording a YouTube video.

"Some things I just don't want to see or question.."

"We can EXPLAIN!"

"Please.. don't.."


Wyatt -: It was a lovely day! You'd gone and made plans with Wyatt to meet up at his house. But, apparently he'd forgotten because when you'd got there.. he was having a Lightsaber Battle with Jack.. but what was weird is that he wore an Alien mask and bright green boxers.

"I have just seen the gates of
Hell, good day."

To say the least, you left.


Nicholas -: Once you'd walked in on him wearing a wig, which was nothing new for the jokester. But what added to the embarassment was the fact he wore a crop top and danced to Wannabe by Spice Girls that was playing in the background.

"Is that.. my.. lipstick?"


Owen -: You were recording a Snapchat video, when you heard loud music start playing. To go complain to Owen, you walked in the direction of it. But when getting there you found the male singing to the lyrics and dancing shirtless in front of a mirror.


Your Snapchat followers did love that recording though.


Chosen -: When both of you were at his house, he'd been dragged out of the room by his littler cousin. Meaning you had to stay and talk to his relatives. But when you'd been dismissed, you looked around for him, only to find him dressed up as a royal princess and giving tea party invites.

"Well, would you look at
that pretty princess!"

"[Y/N] no!"


Jeremy -: The first time you'd showed affection was very awkward, and you'd both in fact ended up walking separate ways to avoid the tension.

"I think I need to feed my cat.."

"What cat?"



Jaeden -: Everyone knew Jaeden had a thing for anime, so when you sneaked in on him cuddling with an anime body pillow.. You'd found yourself walking out almost immediately.

"[Y/N]! Come back!"

"Nope, nope, nope."


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