IT CHARACTERS : You get hurt

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You were walking home from taking a visit to Eddie's house. Everything was oddly quiet, until you heard the rev of an engine. The Bowers gang pulled up beside you, Henry being the most loud as he yelled towards you. Saying stuff that would make anyone's stomach turn. You attempted to run away, but failed as they bumped the car into your backside. Sending you flying across the asphalt. The gang quickly scurried off as you attempted to lift your scarred body off the road. Finally getting up you ran back in the direction of Eddie's house. Him immediately knowing what happened, and swearing on everything that he'd overcome his anxiety and get them back for it.


You topped the high-score on one of the arcade machines, doing a happy dance as you did so. Richie had gone off to exchange his tickets, when a larger male walked up on you. He threatened you, but you couldn't recall why. Until you realized that it must've been because of the topping score on the game. You apologized in fear, not wanting to get hurt. He dragged you out of the arcade by your shirt, and began kicking at your body in every direction. Richie, in a panic, ran through the double doors and swung his fist at the taller guy. The guy faltered back and eventually ran from the smaller boy, seeming to fear for his own life.

"That's right, dickhead! You better run!"

After regaining himself, Richie took you to Eddie, knowing that the boy could patch you up in no time. Him still comforting you on the bike ride to the boy's house.


Everyone stood before you, watching as you stripped from your clothing. They all watched as you began running towards the edge of the Quarry cliff, but panicking when getting very close to the edge. Your body impacted with the rocky surface as you fell into the ground. They all rushed to your side, noticing several cuts sprayed along your body from sharp terrain.

Bill panicked as Eddie attempted to stop the bleeding from one of the more severe cuts. His hand grabbed at yours as he was a yelling mess. You had to calm him down by giving him a reassuring smile. Him being the only one really panicked in the situation.


Ben had taken you to visit the place where he spends most of his time. The library. He'd rented out some books for you, knowing that they'd sparked your interest. When you two were walking out of the library, you'd slipped on the concrete stairs. Falling face first into the grass. He'd rushed to your side and noticed that you hadn't taken much damage, but still helped you up and gave you comforting words. In hopes to get your mind off the pain.


You invited Mike on a bike ride around Derry, which he gladly accepted to when he wasn't busy helping his grandfather at the farm. The two of you zoomed down the road, racing one another to the ice-cream parlor. You were trying to distract Mike, attempting to win the race, but you fell down to the ground in the process. Your bike skidded down the road, as you grasp your now scraped knee. Mike stopped in place, almost immediately dropping his bike and running at you.

He helped you up, you repeating to him that you're fine. But him refusing to let you drive your own bike, and eventually making you get on the back of his own.


You'd gone to visit Beverly, thinking that she would be home and her dad would be gone off to work. Only it was the other way around. Surprisingly her dad answered the door with a scowl on his face. He informed you that she wasn't home, and awkwardly you turned around to walk away from the man. He gripped you by the shirt and pulled you back on the spot.

"What are you doing to my Bevvie? Are you why she's been hanging around all those boys?"

Your eyes widened and you struggled under his one-handed grasp. Finally he let go when you bit at his hand, making a disgusted face at the way of attacking. You gasped when you felt a sharp sting hit your left cheek. Beverly's dad stood, looking with a stone cold expression. You ran from the man and fumbled to get on the bike, where you rode off to find the person you came there for. You'd found her with the boys, and they all questioned the bright pink hand-print that glowed from your complexion. You pulled Beverly aside and told her what all happened. You two came up with a plan of telling on her father and finding her a safer place to resort to as a shelter.


You sat with a smile and your hands in your lap. You watched Stanley recite his words perfectly, he had clearly been studying like his father wanted. Every-time he got worried he would look up to you for a thumbs up. But at one moment he looked up and found your seat vacant. You'd vanished completely, and Stanley didn't know where to. He rushed to finish the ceremony and raced off to find you. Not letting anyone congratulate him in the process.

He found you curled up in a ball, blood seeping from various teeth marks around your face. The blood collided with tears that poured from your eyes. He began to lightly shake you, snapping you from the fearful trance. You tried to talk to him about what had happened, but only gave him a stuttered out mess. He walked you to your parents, who he rushed you to the hospital with.

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