IT CHARACTERS : How they react to your death

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[ WARNING : This is sad, because everyone needs a little emo in their life. ]

Richie : He will no longer be a trashmouth, in fact, he will soon turn into the mute kid that you go to school with, but know nothing about. There will be silence from him most of the time, and the only noise people will be able to make out is quiet whimpers and chants of how he could have kept you alive.


Bill : His stutter will grow increasingly worse, and he will skip out on school for a few weeks. But when he returns, he returns with large bags under his eyes and no want to do anything.

Even though they threw a funeral for both Georgie and you, he will never stop feeling like you're both alive. Considering the bodies have been found, everyone will try to convince him, but he will come up with conspiracy theories on how you're still alive and healthy.


Eddie : Paranoia will grow throughout him, and he'll begin to vision things. He will see you sat across the cafeteria, laughing away. But as he will walk closer, you'll fade into an undead creature and then he'll break down in front of everyone.


Stanley : He doesn't show it much, but on the inside his emotions are torn. Everything he feels, he'll bottle up, and then eventually it'll eat him alive. To the point where he will take actions unspeakable and soon find himself with you once more.


Beverly : She will brink to making bad decisions. The cigarettes will no longer decrease her stress and she will rely to worse addictions. The drugs in her system now, makes her do daring things, that'll land her into jail for a long time coming.


Ben : He will do that of what no one would have expected from him. He will kill. Because he knew, and so did everyone, that Henry Bowers was the cause of your death. When the police wouldn't do anything towards the other teenager, he took it into his own hands and stole of his own innocence with a few swings.


Mike : He'll turn all the emotions into hard labor, and will find himself working twice as hard on his grandfather's farm. Not one minute of the day will he be able to sit and think about you, because he knew if he did, it wouldn't be good for anyone. Therefore he keeps himself busy.


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