Bath time!

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I whistled for Smile to come upstairs to my bathroom. I waited until he came upstairs into the bathroom. He looked a little confused but continued to smile. "Ok now don't freak out boy." I slowly stood up and locked the bathroom door behind him. He began to grow uneasy, a frown tugging at the corners of his split muzzle. He walked over to the bathtub and saw that it was filled with water and suds. Smile sat firmly down and shook his head No.

I sighed and tried to move him from his spot. "C'mon Smile. You're filthy. You're a weeks worth of dirt, mud, and leaves!" I put more force into pushing but he just sat there. "Smile. MOVE." He just shook his head No and stared me in the eyes. I really wish he could talk. It seemed like a one-sided argument when I was the only one who could speak. "Look, if I'm going to let you stay, you need to be clean. Understand? " He whimpered a little and looked at the tub, then back to me. "Please Smile?" He dropped his head and licked my hand before stepping into the tub.

As I washed him I noticed his look of annoyment on his face. I was amazed that he could make such recognizable facial expressions! It may be a problem that he can't exactly talk but he could still give me looks, and right now, he didn't look amused. "Aww cheer up boy! It's not so bad. Look, Im almost finished. " He looked up to me half heartedly and licked my cheek. I giggled.

Soon I was finished cleaning him up. I dried him and brushed his hair. I even sprayed some of Snowballs old flea and tick repelant on him. "Remind me to get more of this ok?" I put the bottle in front of his face. He knodded. " to brush those teeth! " He groaned loudly. "You didn't think I was really finished, did you?" I laughed.

Smile dog (pet) fanficWhere stories live. Discover now