Smile dog (pet) fanfic

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Lizzy. Elizabeth Lallman. Whatever they called her, it wasn't getting through to her today. Not today. Lizzy was (needless to say) pissed off. Snowball, her only friend. "Why him? Why today? " she began to mutter as tears welled up in her eyes. "Why did my dog have to f*****g die today!!!!! " Lizzy didn't care if her bullies, parents, friends or any bystanders saw her and her little episode at the park. Yes, Snowball had died today. He was truly her only real friend and he wasn't even a person. After Lizzy's panic attack at the park, she decided to go home.

Lizzy's POV******

As I walked home, the cold night air blew at me. I shivered a bit but ignored it. Snowball is in a better place. It doesn't matter what I think ...I'll always miss him. I decided to take a detour through the woods. Maybe then I'll get home quicker. As I walked through the woods I heard strange noises. Growling. Panting. It's getting closer.

Just as I was about to to run the opposite direction it knocked me down. This was a very vicious wolf. A wild wolf to be exact. I tried as hard as possible to hold it's head away from me. I held either side of his face as it barked and growled viciously at me. Drops of saliva dripped from its muzzle as it tried to take a snap at my head, neck, or face. Oh not now arms!!! Why now?!?! I thought as my arms began to weaken. Well, this is the end. The minute I let go, the wolf was knocked to the far right of me. Bye...a dog? I sat up as a dog fought the wolf. This poor pup had no idea what he was getting into... But, I was the one who was wrong.

This was no ordinary dog. I watched in horror as the dog ripped the wolf's throat out. Blood splattered every where. I listened in fear as the wolf let out it's last whimper before he died so horribly. The dog then turned to me. Blood stained his white and black fur. Blood dripped from his muzzle as he slowly approached me., this is the end for sure.

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