Ok, you got me

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It looked at me as if it wanted to literally speak. Like he was saying "You better not leave-or-Please, I need you." I watched it's gleaming eyes in the moonlight.The rain started to come down. I knew it was only a matter of time before it started to pour. The dog started to whimper. *sigh* Damn it Lizzy. "Alright Damn it! Come on." I gave in and, to my surprise, it...understood. As I jogged away it picked up speed as well.


After a few minutes, we both stopped at my front door. The rain was pouring down by now, loud rain drop tipping off of my doorstep cover. I got ready to go in but the dog rushed passed inside. I closed the door behind me and he shook water off of his fur. In the light, I got a good look at him. Oh how I wish I haven't have seen it. The grin. There was a large grin of human teeth on it face. What kind of husky was this?


I got out of the shower, dried my hair, and chaged into my pajamas. When I stepped out of my bathroom, I tripped over him. "Get out of the way please. " I said annoyed as I laid in bed. The dog knoded? It pased around a few times before hoping onto the bed beside me. "No. You can't sleep in the bed with me dog." I watched as it's smile got wider and it cuddled closer to me. *sigh* "Ok" I whispered as it fell asleep slowly. "You got me." Then I started to drift off as well.

Smile dog (pet) fanficWhere stories live. Discover now