Five Years Later

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Arabella's POV

The doorbell rings, and I hurriedly open the door to Drew and Scarlett. They're slightly earlier than I expected, but I don't mind. It's nice to have some company in this big lonely house.
Adult company, that is...
"Where are my favourite little girls?" Drew grins, bracing himself.
In a matter of seconds, Kimberly and Charlotte charge into the kitchen, filling the room with their excited squeals and jumping enthusiastically over Drew.
Scarlett rolls her eyes and lets out a small chuckle, walking over to me.
"He's so good with those kids" She sighs, "I can't wait to have some of our own".

He really is amazing with them. They adore him like they would a father, and I think it's good for them to have someone like that in their lives. Without him, I feel like they'd miss Jason a whole lot more. Not that they ever knew him. Sometimes I worry about them not having a father around, but I know they're strong, that's something they got from him.

"He'll be a great father" I smile slightly sadly.
Scarlett looks at me, slightly concerned.
"You're doing okay, yeah?" She asks sympathetically.
I nod my head, forcing a smile upon my face. It's hard, but I'm getting through it.
"I miss him, Scarlett, every single day" I mutter, "and it hurts to think that he doesn't even know he has two kids".
It was about a month after Jason's funeral when I found out I was pregnant, and I was absolutely devastated. I hated the thought of bringing up a child up alone, without them ever being able to meet their father. Scarlett soon persuaded me though, and I'm glad she did, because I've been blessed with two beautiful twin girls to help keep alive the memory of Jason.
"He knows, Bella, he's probably looking down on you right now, wishing he could be with them" She assures me.
And I know she's right. Jason would have adored these kids.
He may have had some issues, but I could tell he could have been a great father. He was always so protective of me, and I would have loved to see him looking after our two kids.
They're both so beautiful, and to a stranger it's impossible to tell the difference, but to me they look nothing alike. I can't explain what makes them different, but I can just tell them apart in an instant. They have Jason's eyes. The thing about Jason that always drew me to him was his eyes, and I love being able to look down at my children every day, and see those beautiful eyes staring back at me.

The doorbell rings again, and Scarlett goes to answer it.
She returns to the kitchen followed by Cody and Ethan.
Yes, the same Ethan that was part of Blake's gang, but a lot has changed since then.
Even when I was shut in that stone cold room, I could still tell that Ethan didn't want to do any of it. He was the nice one, kind of like Cody was. I suppose that's why they found each other. It still came as a surprise, because although we knew Cody always seemed slightly strange, we never considered him being gay, especially with the enemy. Ethan left Blake's gang almost straight away though, and he tried desperately hard to make everything right with the rest of us. Cody and Ethan got married a few months back too, which was lovely because Charlotte and Kimberly got to be flower girls.
"Hey" I greet them both, "I've set the table in the other room so if you wanna go through there I'll have food ready in a minute".
I'm not really sure why everyone's here for a meal to be honest, because we don't do this often. Scarlett called me the other day inviting me over there, but of course that wasn't a good idea. She can't cook to save her life, and her house is nowhere near as big as mine because Jason left me an awful lot of money. So I invited everyone here, for whatever reason Scarlett has in mind.
As everyone makes their way into the dining room there's a final knock at the door. Only one person knocks on a door that has a doorbell, and late as usual. I don't bother answering the door, because I know he'll make his own way in anyway.
"Zedd" I smile as he walks into the kitchen. "Nice to see you again Jodie" I say to his girlfriend.
Jodie is probably one of the nicest girls I've ever spoken to, and she's absolutely flawless. Zedd has changed an awful lot, and it's so good to see him finally settling down. Jason's death really hit Zedd hard, and since then he's never really been the same. It think he feels bad, because he was always rude to Jason, when really he didn't mean it.
"If you go through you'll see all the others, and I'll bring the food in any second" I say.
"Should I take this one with me?" Zedd chuckles.
I turn round to see Kimberly crouched behind the door, trying not to laugh with a cheeky smirk plastered over her face. She's the cheeky one, and I'd say she's definitely more like Jason in personality. She has his smirk too, and his goofy smile.
"What on earth are you doing?" I sigh, glaring harshly at her.
I can be strict with her, because she never takes me seriously anyway.
She looks up at me and starts to giggle innocently.
"Cody tickled me" She whines.
"Yeah, well now I'm gonna tickle you!" Zedd growls, scooping her up in his arms and carrying her away.
"Ahhh .....mommy ....h-help me!" She squeals between her laughs.
I roll my eyes and smile to myself as I continue to dish up the food. She's not even five yet, and I can already imagine how troublesome she's going to be in high school.

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