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Arabella's POV

I'm so nervous for the robbery.
Once I've done this, I become a real criminal, I become one of them.
I know I should walk away, but I can't.
Not after realising my love for Jason.

I won't be able to kill anyone, I know it.
At least Jason got my gun back from the police station.
Even if I won't be able to pull the trigger on it.

I walk through to the kitchen to find everyone all ready to leave.

"Zedd's just putting the last of the things in the truck, then we'll be on our way" Jason says, giving me a cheeky good morning smile.

I nod, and take a seat with the others.
Jason hasn't told them yet, about us.
Something tells me that they may have been part of the reason he was hiding his feelings from me.
I'll let him tell them in his own time; I haven't even told Scarlett yet.

"Right, that's the lot" Zedd says, returning to the kitchen.
"Okay, let's go" Jason says, as everyone begins to walk out to the truck.

Jason stays behind to lock the door, and I hang back too.
"Jase, I'm scared" I whisper, hoping he might let me stay behind.
"Well you should be" He says with a cheeky smirk.
Checking that no one's looking, he gives me a quick peck on my lips before getting into the truck.

Zedd rides shotgun, the rest of us squeeze into the back.
There are only two seats, driver, and shotgun.
Everyone else just has to sit in the back storage area.

Jason's POV

As we pull up around the corner of the bank, I start to worry about Bella.
She couldn't even shoot one cop the other day.
Maybe she isn't ready for this.
I know that I can protect her, but I don't really need that responsibility, on top of having to rob the bank.

"Right, let's go" I say, opening the door for everyone to get out.

We have a plan, we all know what to do, except Bella.

"Bella, you need to stay near to me, make sure you can see me at all times" I say, knowing I must be there to protect her if she fails to do so herself.

I know she has it in her, she just needs the right motivation, whatever that may be.

I can sense how scared she is, and I wish I could comfort her, but I can't, not in front of the gang.

Arabella's POV

As we sneak into the bank, Jason kills everyone he sees.
Luckily, he has a silencer on his gun, so everything remains quiet.
It hurts me watching all these people die, I feel responsible in some way.
Jason has no reaction.
Killing these people, is nothing to him.
He definitely is somewhat crazy.
But I love him.

The others went in a different way, so me and Jason are alone.
We are meeting the others in the main bank room, that's when real carnage will begin.
The bankers in there have guns too, apparently.

As we approach the double doors to the main room, I grab hold of Jason's hand.
"Be careful, Jase" I say, kissing him softly.
"You be careful babe" He says stroking my hair.
Him calling me babe, has really put me on edge, he is so fucking attractive.

Jason's POV

The others soon appear at the numerous entrances around the room.
I give a nod, and, at once, we all charge in.

We hold our guns up and progress slowly around the room.
The bankers and the customers all get down on the floor, their hands on their heads.
Bella watches from the edge of the room, not wanting to be in the middle of it all.

At that moment, there is a loud gunshot.
I turn to the back of the room, to see a member of the public holding up a gun.
Luckily he missed his shot, but I abruptly shoot him anyway.

That's when it all kicks off.

The bankers get their guns out and start to shoot.
Members of the public jump up and start running round and screaming like maniacs.
I don't hold back.
Neither do the rest of the gang.
Bella looks terrified as the gunshots fly everywhere.

The gang and I are good.
We're too good.
Not a single one of us is injured, and most of the bankers and members of the public are dead.

I nod to the gang, telling them to go and get the cash.
I can handle the remaining people.

That's when I feel my gun fly from my hands, hit away by a member of the public.
I stand there in shock, not knowing what to do.
I'm unarmed, with a gun pointed at my head.
The rest of the gang have gone.
There's no one to save me now...

Arabella's POV

I watch in disbelief as Jason stands there defenceless.
I can tell that the man holding the gun up to him is, like me, inexperienced.
He's hesitant to take the shot.
I feel my hands tremble as I realise that Jason cannot save himself now.

I know what I have to do.
The only thing I can do.
I could throw Jason my gun.
I could slide his gun back to him.
But that's risky.
It would take too long.

Before I know what I'm doing, I feel the bullet leave my gun.
I watch as the man drops to the floor, blood oozing from his temple at the side of his head.
I feel my gun drop to the floor, as tears start to leave my eyes.
Jason runs over to me, just as everything, once again, turns black...

So, Bella killed someone ...for Jason.
Jason, was her motivation.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'm updating an awful lot at the moment :)
Love you all 💜💜

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