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Jason's POV

I'm so tired.
But I won't rest until I find her.
My heart aches without her.
I never knew the pain would be like this.
I never knew it would be this unbearable.
I just need to see her.
One last time.

"Jase, we need to head back. You need to rest" Scarlett says, snapping me out of my daydream.
"No" I say stubbornly.
"Yeah, let's fucking go back Jase, we've been in this damn truck for days." Zedd moans.
I ignore him.
"Let's at least stop driving for a bit" Cody compromises.
I shake my head and continue driving.
I won't give up.

I'm exhausted.
I'm too tired to be driving, I'm almost falling asleep.
But I'm not stopping.

"Jase, this is stupid. We've been driving around for days. We have no idea where we're going. We have no idea where she could be. We have no idea if she's even in one place." Drew says.
"He's right" Scarlett says.

I feel my heart rate increase rapidly as realisation kicks in.
He is right.
I slam down on the breaks just in time, I can't hold it in any longer.
As the truck grinds to a holt, my body relaxes, allowing the tears to fall.
I've held it in for so long, it feels like I can't get it out quick enough.
It feels like the constant stream of tears is bursting out as quickly as it can.
I'm done holding back the tears, it feels good to let them out.
My whole body shakes as I cry.
Why am I like this, I wish I was normal.

"Jase, you okay?" Scarlett mutters, in shock.
"No I'm not fucking okay" I snap, irritated.
"Calm down Jase, it's okay" Cody says comfortingly.
"It's not though, is it?" I say between sobs.
"Jase, we'll find her" Scarlett reassures.
"At least let me drive - you get some rest" Cody says.
I reluctantly agree, knowing that I can't go on much longer without sleeping.

I curl up in the back of the truck as Cody starts to drive.
It's harder to get to sleep than I thought it would be.
Despite how tired I am.

"Cody, I'm worried about Jason" I hear Scarlett whisper.
"I know, me too" He agrees.
What? Why are they worried about me?
"He's getting worse, Cody" She continues.
Worse? What are they on about?
Do they not realise I can hear them?
"I'm scared" Scarlett says.
"About what?" Cody asks.
"Well, our task is to get Arabella, right? And if we don't, or if Blake gets there first, it's over." She says.
"Yeah..." Cody prompts.
"Well, if we get her back, there's no way Jase is gonna be able to let her go. Just look what she's done to him." Scarlett continues.
"Shit, yeah" Cody mutters.
"So basically, it's all over. Everything's, over." Zedd snaps

That's about all I hear of their conversation before the sleep deprivation kicks in.
As much as I want to stay awake and hear what they say, I just can't.
But they are right.
Letting her go will be the hardest thing I'll ever have to do, but right now, it seems like the only option I have.
I could just stop searching for her, that way, our last memory together would be a happy one.
But I'm not prepared to loose her, without the chance to say goodbye.
Even if it means I have to watch her turn against me.

So this is just a filler chapter (yes, I know, another one, I'm sorry), I hope you enjoyed it <3
Any votes and comments make my day⭐️

The Indispensable | Jason McCann | Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now