Chapter 13 Like A Fairy Tale

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Mays POV

The thing is tomorrow, if I am going.
I'm probably not though...
I have got this feeling inside my bones....Why am I quoting a song?

Brendon has started treating me so bad, after my out burst. My new life reminds me of a fairy tale called Cinderella. I am now a slave. And the ball is this competition.

I curl up in the attic. I had made it nice with a days work. It's homely....

I heard a voice calling down below. I stumbled down the stairs and opened the door.
"What do you want, postman?" I ask
"There is a letter for you." He handed it over.
I opened it. I never got letters now a days.

Dear May,

You are invited to a wedding on the __/__/____
Please can you make some food to bring!

From your dear friend

My mind was spinning who was he marrying? It could be Crystal, Gold and even Green for all I know.
It couldn't be Green, yes they are so close, but they think of each other as brother and sister. Right??? Unless they secretly are in love! ♡

He could of met a new person. But I do remember that before I left to Alola they Silver and Gold started dating. But.......some relationships or even friendships don't last.

"It won't be Gold, don't be stupid, May!" Brendon laughed
"How do you know?" I asked
"Gold likes girls, it is obvious!"
"When have you met him?"
"Exactly! Anyway they were dating!"
"Whatever, go wash up!"

Maybe it was my turn to live happy ever after. Anyway Cinderella does, right? Time to turn a new leaf.

"Brendon have you got your suit ready for tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah, why do you care?" He sighed.

"Seriously! I am going, no matter what you say!" I stomped hard on the ground, "it's not all about the money you know!!"

"What!!!??? Whatever you are talking about doesnt grow iut if trees!"

"What is money made from?"

"Paper, Why?"

"And what is paper made from??"

"Trees- shut up and go to your room!"
"Yay!" I slammed the attic door excitedly.
Haha haha lol.


Can you buy me milk and send it??? Thanks x

Wait what. Can't he buy his own!!!
Such a caring brother!!!
That's when I got revenge. Max hasn't been mean but I felt like pranking someone.

I grabbed Brendon's empty milk cartridge that he finished this morning and got out glue.
I put glue in there and sent it.

If you think about it; I was being kind.
He needs glue for his art project AND that milk would of gone funny over mail.

I'm an evil
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait. Never mind.
I need a happy ending, right now!

Word count: 507
Sorry if the chapter was boring,
Who will Silver marry?
Will May have a happy ending?
What will happen to Brendon?
These questions will be answered soon!!
@pansy1 out!

Edited: {✔}

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