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"Keep running!" The coach shouted from the stands.

"Man, we are going to die by the end of the day. This heat is killing me, and with the coach's torture." Sam shakes his head. "Just tell my mom I love her? Promise"

Sean shakes his head towards his teammate. "You are way too dramatic."

"What? Can you disagree on what I told you?"

It was true that the heat was rising through the sky today making them feel like they are all going to die of heatstroke, and that is saying something since they all lived most of their life in Nevada where it is mostly desert, so heat is like a constant thing.  Also, their coach is like a killing machine today, making them run for twenty laps across the field after a brutal practice of football.

Sam was panting beside Sean but he still manages to throw in a smirk. "See? I rendered you speechless."

"You are a dork. Just keep running. Maybe we can finish those twenty laps faster."

"Man we have, like, eight more laps to go and I am going to die. The only thing that is keeping me from face planting on the dirt is the cheerleaders. I can't have them seeing me tripping on my feet. I need to look good."

Sean drifted his gaze towards the cheerleading practice in the middle of the field. It was a view alright. It is a cliché but all the cheerleaders are wearing tight outfits that hug their body and the girls are having a competition on who can wear the shortest skirt as possible.

"You have a girlfriend," Sean deadpanned. "I can tell Giselle your undying love for those cheerleaders if you want to. Then she can dump your ass."

That earned him a scowl from his teammate and best friend. Sean laughed at him in between pants of breath. He is sure that no matter what Sam loves his 3 years steady girlfriend more than the short-skirted cheerleaders.

"I am kidding man. I love Giselle, you know that." Sam defended himself. "See they are leaving."

Their gaze followed the retreating cheerleaders until they reach the gym building where all the locker rooms are located. Sean's eyes followed only one particular cheerleader and he knows that that person knows that he is looking. Sean can't help but smirk at that.

"They are so lucky their coach let them off early. Why can't coach cut us some slacks?" Sam said to him. He just shrugged at his best friend.

Their coach is one hell of a mad man when it comes to practice. He wants every single detail perfect to the T.

Sam gave their coach a stink eye when he knew the coach wasn't looking then turned his gaze back to Sean. "Come on man, just 4 more laps then we can follow their lead and leave this heat."

"Yeah, can't wait to follow their lead."


After finishing their last lap all the football players collapsed on the grass while their coach stood over them. "You all need to remember all the plays we practiced today for this weekend's game got that?" They all nodded their head in understanding to what coach said. "That is all for today, I'll see you again tomorrow after school for practice. Dismissed!"

Some of the football players holler at being dismissed and got up to escape the Las Vegas heat into the air-conditioned building.

"You coming man?" Sam asked Sean who stayed lying on the grass field.

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