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The tears couldn't stop falling as she reminisced on what brought her there.
All for what. Love?
She sighed, realizing how none of it was helping.
She had been sitting on the toilet seat for too long, five pregnancy tests on the floor and all positive.
She felt her head spin every time her eyes met with the two red lines.
"Pregnant? "
She couldn't believe it. It wasn't making any sense to her.
It was all but a dream. More of a nightmare that she wanted to wake up From.
"He's not good for you "
"He's going to break you"
" Run away while you can "
Many warned her but she never listened.
'They knew him better '
She thought.
'I should have listened '
She wailed at that bitter regret.
Now she was pregnant, alone and broke
All for what? All because of what?
She believed him. She believed every word he said just like she believed her mother when she said she won't leave her.
She asked for a glass of water and coming back with it, her mother was laying there with her eyes opened and not moving
She dropped the glass as she ran to her, shaking her body while wailing.
She was gone. She left her in this cruel world. Alone.
It's something she still hadn't dealt with.
Her mother's death.
She thought of her father, who also left her mom pregnant with her.
Was this history repeating itself?
Was this the kind of life she was destined for?
She hoped not.
Oh, how hard it was for her not to believe it.
She was going to be a single parent like her mom.
"Oh Lord, why have you forsaken me? "
She sank down and just cried.
She's 23 ,pregnant and alone.
Her name is Ayanda Mdluli and she's about to tell her tale.

Broken Promises : Ayanda  (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now