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Dear Momma,

Hi my sweet angel.  I feel you around me and see you sometimes in the sky, the clouds in the form of angels.  I know thats you looking down on me.  I hope you see that i'm trying to make a change.  I've lost 23 lbs so far.  I know it's to late but I'm doing it.  Yesterday you all would have been married 52 years, it was a hard day but I kept the feelings and emotions reigned in not wanting anyone to worry about me.  I called and talked to dad he was doing ok, he's down in his back so he was resting.  Bub finally moved out and got his own appartment, he seems to be doing good except for the panic attacks.  I think the panic attacks are brought on by grief and guilt, sis is working and doing pretty good.  I know you kept a hand on Rylie B and she is doing awesome, recovering quickly you hardly tell we almost lost her.  Austin graduates in about 3 weeks I wish you was going to be here to see it but I know your spirit will be all around us.  Aimee had her first boyfriend and broke up with him and she's looking forward to joining rotc next year.  James is doing good, which he didn't work so much but with my new shift change we'll have more time together and I can finally start cooking for the family again.

Now that you've been updated on everything going on I have to tell you I miss you so much.  Not a day goes by that your not in my thoughts.  Some days I wish I could have one more moment other days I'm glad your where you are because there's no more pain, you don't have to be afraid of the tornadoes or worry about things that your couldn't control, but it's hard knowing  that I can't call you or drive down and hug you or take your shopping or have you all come up and go to all the community yardsales.  Simply put momma I just miss you and I love you. I know I'll see you one day.

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